Lies about the siblings 🙃🔫

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{ Kageyama and Shoyo had just arrived at school. Shoyo had the nerve to not wake up for school so Kageyama basically dragged her to school.}

They were passing through the halls and just like every other day. There were whispers. This time the boys were dissing Kageyama. Shoyo was getting mad, she couldn't bare to hear these idiots talk about her brother. Kageyama didn't let this hurt his feelings until lunch time came. 3 boys approached Kageyamas table.

" What the fuck do you idiots want!? " Shoyo said clearly irritated.

" Why are you hanging around this bully!? " One of the boys said.

Shoyo was beyond confused. but still angry. " What the fuck are you talking about!? " She said getting up.

" Woah, calm down princess we mean no harm. " Boy #1

Shoyo frowned. " Then wtf do you want from my brother!? " Shoyo yelled.

" W-wait, he's your brother? " #2 said.

" Yes dumbass! Now who tf said he was a bully!? " Shoyo yelled in anger. Alyssa had walked in to hear shoyo yelling.

" Yo! Sho, what happened!? " Alyssa said rushing over.

" Someone started a rumor saying Tobio was a bully! I swear when I find them I'll tear them to fucking shreds.! " Shoyo said clenching a fist.

Everyone in the cafeteria could feel Shoyos aura. It wasn't good.

{ After the incident in the cafeteria the rumor died down. But there was still one rumor going around. Not at Karasuno.. but at Seijoh, No one really believes it one the volleyball team becauses Oikawas crazy fan girl started it saying Oikawas girlfriend bullied her. }

Shoyo was on her way to see her boyfriend. Alyssa tagged along once again cause she knew something was gonna happen. They entered Aoba Johsai and walked through the halls. Only to be stopped by a group of girls.

" Oi! Move it girly. " Alyssa said in a snappy tone.

" No! She's the girl that bullied Sophie! " One of the girls said getting in Shoyos face.

" Who the hell is Sophie!? " Shoyo yelled confused asf while pushing the girl back.

" Don't act innocent now! She's in the gym crying to Oikawa about how you punched her yesterday after he left! " One of the girls explained while slapping Shoyo.

Shoyo touched her face and looked Alyssa then grinned.

" You mean the girl that I slightly pushed away from MY  boyfriend? I didn't hurt her that much.. " Shoyo started tearing up.

All the girls saw the pity in Shoyos face and asked for forgiveness. Shoyo granted it and the girls moved. Still fake crying she ran into the gym with scars on her face. She had one of her cousins that went to the school punch her in the face for ' realistic affect ' . She ran into the gym and fell onto the gym crying hard. " KAWA!!!" she yelled. Oikawa looked up and saw his girlfriend crying holding her chest. Alyssa was trying to calm her down, Oikawa ran over to see what's wrong.

" What happened!? " He said panicked.

" Idk! Some crazy ass group of girls jumped her! " Alyssa said in a faked sad tone.

Oikawa examined Shoyos face and it looked fresh and real. He sighed and looked at Sophie who was shocked.

" You... you got my girlfriend jumped didn't you! " He yelled walking closer too Sophie.

Sophie was scared. This wasn't part of her plan. " N- no! I s-swear ! " She said scared.

" YES YOU DID! GET OUT! " He yelled angrily.

" Y-yes O-oikawa-san! " She said rushing out the door.

She looked at Shoyo and she was smiling. Sophies eyes widen and she got pissed. What she didn't know was Shoyo already told the principal so Sophie got expelled for framing Shoyo. Shoyo was happy she didn't have to worry about her anymore.

{ After what happened during her visit. Oikawa got the rumor cleared out the way, Shoyo ended up leaving since her brother was worried. She gave goodbye kisses to Oikawa and gave goodbye hugs to the team. When she got home, she wasn't expecting to see... }

" ... what is she doing here. " Shoyo said stopping in the kitchen doorway.

" That's no way to greet your sister. " Kaitlyn said grinning.

Shoyo never liked her. She was so annoying and loud plus touchy.

" I don't fucking care. MOMMMAAA!!! " Shoyo yelled to her mom.

" Stop yelling Shoyo. " Ukai said walking down stairs.

" Papa! You're here! " Shoyo said running towards Ukai to jump on him.

" Hey kiddo. " He said catching Shoyo. " How was school.? " He asked.

Kageyama put his head down and Shoyo looked at him. The room became gloomy.

" What happened? " Ukai said breaking the silence.

Shoyo explained what happened and Ukai wasn't happy.

" Thank you for this information Sho. You and your brother can go and rest now. " Ukai said.

" Thank you papa! " Shoyo said rushing upstairs into her bed.

{ Once they got comfortable in their beds they watched movies and talked about things. Soon, they both fell asleep. }
😭😭 hope you enjoyed. Chapter 4 should be out this week or next. 😊

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