" She Isn't Yours Anymore " ~???

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" Osamu-kun... "

Hinata ran to Osamu and hugged him tightly. He hugged back and ran his fingers into her hair to calm her down. He began humming a sweet tone that he remember from the last time she cried. After a couple mintues of humming and hugging, Hinata was kinda calmed down and soon looked up at Osamu.

" Why did he do that.." She asked still crying

" I dont know kitten.. but you shouldn't be stessing or cry... it isn't heathly. " He said as he sat him and Hinata down against a wall.

" I-.. why today... I was gonna tell him about the baby.. " She said laying her head on Osamus shoulder. She was sliently still crying.

Osamu had his eyes closed trying not to go and kill Oikawa for hurting his princess. But, He knew Shoyo needed him and Oikawa so He held back any thoughts.

" How about I go get Suna and Sakusa and we go out for ice cream? " He said kissing her forehead and helping her up.

" I guess... " Shoyo said while standing up. Osamu pulled Hinata into another close hug and whispered into her ear.

" Do you remember the arrangment our parents made? " He whispered.

" Mhm, what about it? " She said burying her head into his chest.

" Do you want to sign the paper again? " He asked.

Shoyo shot her head up in shock. She thought her mother forgot about the arrangment she made with the Miya twins mother when she was 5.

" I thought, we could only sign it once.. " She said while her eyes teard up again

" Hey, don't cry. Your mother called it off when Oikawa come into the picture since you were happy. " He said while wiping her tears.

" I-.. I'm so sorry! " She said while tugging onto his shirt harder buring her face into it.

" Princess it's fine, We can start over if you want.. " He said while running his fingers into her hair.

" I mean, you're worth more than he was treating you. I can show you how a princess should be treated. " He said while smirking and picking her up and twirling around with her.

Shoyo started giggling at the sudden action.

" Put me down Samu! " She said while laughing.

" Fine fine. " He let her feet touch the ground and soon picked her up again and held her close.

" So, Are we signing the papers again?" He asked

" Yes. " She replied.

Osamu was glad to hear her accept the 2nd time. But, He wanted to make it formal so.. He pulled out the ring he kept when his mother bought him and got on one knee. Shoyo was so how shocked and teared up.

" I know we did this before, but This time it's my way. Shoyo Kagayama Hinata Ukai ( a/n, long ass name ;-; ) Will you make me the happiest man in your life and bright up my days with your sweet smile and gental voice. Will you marry me? " He opened the box and held it up. He looked Hinata in the eyes as she nodded slowly then removed her hands and said:

" Yes! " She jumped onto him and hugged him tight. Osamu hugged back and soon put the ring on her finger.

Checking the time, they soon realized its almost time for practice.

" Lets find Sakusa and Suna then head to practice after we can get ice cream yeah? " Osamu said while walking with Shoyo.

" Okay! " She said excitedly.

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