Ep 14: For your eye only...how dose this title connect to the story again?

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Summary: Apparently the Helicarrier was taken over by some villains. So when Peter hears about this, what dose he do? He goes try and stop the villains of course. Though he should really bring some help next time...Not only that, but apparently Nick Fury is 'dead'...I don't know man. Last time someone said Nick Fury was dead, they dead wrong.


-Peters POV-

"Alright Karen, you ready?" I asked, as I make sure my web shooters are fully loaded.

"Ready for anything Peter." Karen answered , sounding assuring.

"Great. Now, let's do this." I answered back, as I quickly land the jet, that I totally didn't sneak in and borrowed from Dad, on the Helicarrier landing space.

Your probably wondering what's happening. Will you see, a couple hours ago, the Helicarrier was taken over by a villain named Scorpio and his minions who are known as Zodiacs...gotta admit, those are pretty cool names. Anyway, after the Helicarrier was taken over, all outside Shield agents and Hero's got informed of what happened.

Ever since they found out what happened, everyone has been trying to come up with plans to take back the Helicarrier, but they were a little unorganized and chaotic, especially without Mr Fury to yell at them to be quite. But unfortunately, no one has heard from Mr Fury since the Helicarrier got taken over. Some tried to contact him, but got no luck.

So that just led to more chaos and yelling across the surprisingly big back up meeting room for hero's at Avengers tower. After a while of yelling, Karen suggested that maybe since no one else was doing anything productive except for yelling, that instead, we should go check things out. I was hesitant at first, but then I looked at what was happening in the meeting...and agreed...god, it was just like picking partners for the science fair all over again...probably because the yelling turned into a battle royal.

So after I agreed with Karen's plan, I told Mj and Ned to make sure no one, especially my Dad and the other Avengers, noticed that I was gone. Of course they asked me where I was going, so I just told them that I was gonna get ice cream since I was hungry. Which leads us to now, at the Helicarrier, in my hero suit, and trying to get into the Helicarrier without anyone noticing...dang it now I want ice cream.

I see some Zodiac soldiers guarding the entrance. I aim my web shooters at a nearby metal crate. I shot my webs at it, creating a loud bang. The soldiers jumped up, probably out of surprised, and went to where the metal crate was. I took my chance and quickly sunk by them, entering the Helicarrier.

"Karen, can you give me directions where all the shield agents were taken prisoner?" I asked, being as quite as possible.

"Sure thing." Karen whispered back. After a minute or two, she then whispers, "They should be in the west wing on the lower floor."

"Thanks Karen." I said, as I start making my way to the lower floor west wing.

As Karen gave me shortcuts to the destination, I made sure that we didn't get spotted by Zodiac Soldiers. After a bit, we made it to the lower floor. You know, for our first solo mission, this is turning out way easier then especially since this place is crawling wit-

"All Zodiac Soldiers, report to the lower floor right wing. Repeat, All Zodiac Soldiers report to the Lower Floor right wing." Someone said through the speakers...wait...that's where me and Karen are right now! How did they know we were here!

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