Mine Ep 16: Not Again

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Summary: It seems like New York is getting attacked...again...for the fifth time...that week...and it's only Tuesday...Let's see what the local citizens think about this shall we

A/N: Once again sorry it took so long, this time it's on me for being so late. Also this Ep is based on a TikTok I saw

-3rd POV-

It was a lovely day in one of the many cafes in New York City. Today seemed to be a great day for that cafe too as they were getting a lot of business today. Hey, maybe for once nothing major will happ-

"Oh shit!" One of the customers said while looking out the window. This lead to everyone in the cafe looking out to see what happening.

Another customer sighed and said, "Looks like Aliens are attacking New York again." Just by their tone others could tell they were used to this.

Just then a street lamp got thrown and destroyed the door of the cafe. "Awww, not the door again, we just fixed it yesterday." An employee says while already calling the insurance company.

All of a sudden, the Avengers and Team Ultimate came and started fighting the aliens. "Oh there they are." One of the customers says.

"And would you look at that, some of team Ultimate is being reckless again." Someone else replied.

"This makes me wonder if Team Ultimate is a group of teenagers or not." Another Employee replied.

After several minutes, the fight was over the the day was saved. "And it's done." Someone says, while going back to what they were doing along with everyone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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