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Silence befell over us like a thick blanket after those small sobs eventually stopped escaping my lips.

I sat crouched over the couch, keeping my knees close to my chest as few tears still kept falling over my dried and salty cheeks, the reality of losing Jake as a friend forever taking such a toll on me.

First Leila gets fucking turned into a vampire, and now this...

I felt like screaming out loud in frustration, or even breaking some shit.

I can't even do anything right.

My gaze rose as I noticed Luc entering my line of sight, watching him hold two drinks in his hands as he stood in front of me, stretching his hand out to give me one glass before he took a seat on the couch as well.

I took a generous sip, enjoying the burning taste of hard liquor.

"So...not only you are immune to Raz's touch, you can also nulify its deadly effect..." I heard Luc comment from right next to me, my head turning to look at him before I turned to toss Azrael a glance as well, noticing the way he sat on the floor, leaning against the wall, his posture tired and defeated as he rested his forearms over his knees.

"I guess we have yet to witness the true magnitude of your strength..." Luc mumbled under his breath while Raz's gaze found my own, both staring at each other as if we were seeing each other for the first time.

And even after he did what he did just about an hour ago, I just couldn't bring myself to be mad at him. Not this time.

Because I knew that he was only trying to save Leila the pain of possibly commiting a fatal error.

It wasn't her fault after all. It was pretty obvious that she still wasn't capable of fully controlling herself. Not around humans anyway.

I took another generous gulp from my glass, my gaze shifting to the slightly ajar door of their room.

At least she isn't crying anymore...

I blew out a breath, choosing to finish my drink in silence as my tears had long since dried out.

However, my body jolted in surprise as soon as Raph suddenly re-materialized in the living room, feeling a few drops of the burning liquid in my mouth entering the wrong pipe.

I let out a few violent coughs while Luc rushed to take the glass from my hand and help me out.

"What the fuck, dude?" I spewed out between coughs as I rose my gaze to give Raph a glare.

"Sorry," He sheepishly said with a small grin, moving closer to press his index finger once against my bare knee before the coughing fit and scratchy feeling in my throat abruptly disappeared.

I took in a relieved breath, intending to ask him if Jake was okay, but the weird and curious frown suddenly marring his features stopped me before I could.

"What?" I asked as I watched him just stare at me for a moment, in complete and utter silence.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I insisted, right before he cautiously leaned forward to touch me again, only this time he chose to trace his fingers over my forehead instead.

What the hell...?

He sharply inhaled, his eyes momentarily glowing a bright green as he unsteadily placed a step back as if he were pushed by some invisible force.

"What the fuck dude? What are you doing?" I curiously stared back at him as his widened and downright shocked gaze held my own for a moment before fleetingly shifting to Azrael's still seated form.

"Holy mother of saints," He whispered as he turned back to stare at me, for some unknown reason looking scared shitless. And he was starting to scare me as well, since I've never seen him like this before.

"Raph? What's going on?" I prodded, raising myself to my feet as I noticed him unconsciously take a step back, as if I were the one scaring him.

What the fuck?!?

"Oh for fuck's sake Raphael, just bloody say what's-" Luc's angered bantering abruptly stopped, the moment we noticed Raph suddenly drop to his knees as if he'd just received a bullet, mere seconds before he let out a powerful and deeply pained roar, his pure white wings spreading at his sides whilst the sheer vibration of his mighty scream shattered every breakable object in its wake.

My ears rung for a few moments, mildly dizzied as I watched in slow motion how he fell unconscious over the wooden floor before his brothers rushed to his side.

"What's going on?" I asked as I moved closer as well, watching Luc place his head on his lap so he could examine him closer, his stance faltering as his shock-stricken gaze slowly rose to look at Azrael.

"He's...He's dying..."

"WHAT?" I almost screeched out loud, refusing to process his words. How the fuck could that even happen? He was a freaking archangel, for god's sake!

"It's Daya," He said as he placed a hand over his chest, probably to try and feel his essence.
"She's draining him,"

"What? B-but how the hell-"

"It's happening. They will destroy everything. We have to do something! Now," He warned as he shifted his gaze to look at me, feeling the urgency in his tone and the pleading look in his stormy grey eyes.

"What? Are you crazy? No! We can't just leave him like this!" I vehemently refused as I watched them get back up to their feet and ready to leave.

He was freaking dying! We couldn't just leave him like that, lying on the floor like it was nothing!

"We have to. We have to stop them!" Luc tried to reason with me, earning himself another negative response.

"N-no! I'm not-"

"I'll stay," My head snapped to the side, noticing Leila standing just a few steps away as she shifted her deep red gaze between Raph's unconscious form and I.

"I'll stay with him," She repeated as she approached us, no doubt noticing the hesitation surfacing within my eyes as I stared at her for a moment, unsure of what to do or say.

I mean, how could I say or do anything? She almost killed Jake only about an hour ago!

Yet I didn't want to hurt her either by denying her another chance to prove that she could restrain herself. Not to mention that I kinda had to go and stop those idiots from whatever they were doing right now, in order to save him.


"You can draw that circle again, so that I won't be able to exit the apartment," She turned to the side and told Raz as I looked between them, still contemplating.

"You'll have to trust me. This is the only way," She gazed at me as she took another step closer while Raz moved to scoop Raph's body from the floor and carry him to the couch.


"We don't have time for this. If you want him to survive, we have to go and stop them. Now," I felt Luc's hand wrap around my arm in an attempt to draw my attention, my gaze finding his as I looked into his stormy grey eyes for a moment.

And with an unsteady and long exhale, I turned my head to the side and gave Leila a single nod in approval.

So the time has finally arrived...

Immortal and The Seven Deadly Sins (Book Three in Angels, Gods & Demons series)Where stories live. Discover now