1.3 Back to the past

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I stupidly stared at him for a few good moments, pointlessly opening and closing my mouth for a few times like a fucking fish on land as I struggled to get those damn words past my lips.

"H-hi, I'm Leila! Nice! O-oh I mean nice to meet you!"

I mentally slapped myself as I quickly realized what I've just said while those golden eyes gave me a rather scrutinising once-over. And before I even knew it he had already straightened up and walked around the car, to the driver's door, leaving me standing there like a freaking idiot.


I blinked a few times in utter confusion, my gaze lowering to my outstretched hand.

Oh great. Just fucking great.

What the fuck just happened?

"Ookay, let's get going then, shall we?"

I turned my head towards Blake, watching her whisper a small "sorry for that" and give me an apologetic smile before hurrying to the front passenger seat door without another word.


I dumbly watched her get inside the car, still failing to understand what just happened and why.

What the fuck did I do?

Did I freaking insult him or something?

Is he freaking germophobic or something?

Or am I THAT ugly?

Oh my god, what if I actually smell bad?


I was just about to fuck it all and sniff myself right then and there when I suddenly heard my name.

"Dude are you coming or what?" My gaze refocused back on Blake, noticing her staring at me from inside the car, brow raised.

I only nodded, hurrying to get in as well right afterwards.

"You ok?" I heard her ask just as I've climbed in the back, giving her a small nod once I've noticed her looking at me from the front passenger seat.

However, the moment my gaze casually shifted to the rearview mirror, my breath stopped inside my chest as those honey eyes found my own.

"Good. Then let's get going. So, where do you live?"

Quickly shifting my gaze back to Blake, I quietly told her my adress -yet loud enough for him to hear it too, since he was the one driving and all that- choosing to remain silent for the rest of the ride as for some reason, he was scaring the living shit out of me.


I couldn't even remember the moment I had actually agreed to it, but after that awkward and totally creepy ride, for some reason Blake decided that it would be nice to do it every day after school. And since I didn't exactly have any other options -besides walking, since I didn't even know yet where the closest bus station was and my sister seemed to always "forget" about me- well let's just say that I eventually caved.

So there we were, once again in her brother's car, listening to some shitty rap songs as we rode in complete silence -besides Blake's casual random blabbering.

I let out a small sigh and sunk back in my seat, mindlessly staring ahead of me as I sat in the middle of the backseats, my mind constantly drifting to random thoughts like cleaning up my room or that book I so wanted to finish.

The sudden change from the song we were currently listening to one of Fergie's songs suddenly pulled me back to reality, just in time to notice it was Blake who changed the station as she blew a smirking kiss to a visibly pissed-off Rick, seconds before he pushed that button and changed the station back to that crappy rap song.
Only from that on, they kept going like that for a few good minutes like some bratty children until she eventually gave up and crossed her arms in annoyance, practically fuming with rage as she turned her head to the window, spitting through gritted teeth,
"Ugh that's it! I'm done riding with you! From now on, you can send Kieran to get me home!"

"I'm done widing wih you! You can send Kiewan to get me heme!" He mimicked her in a girly voice, making her burst into a fit of crazy laughter, to which I soon joined too, after I had eventually recovered from the initial shock of actually witnessing them interact for the first time in my presence as brother and sister.

Huh...Who knew that he could at least smile too...

I thought to myself as my gaze shifted to him, staring at him with nothing but pure wonder before the car took a halt, making me quickly realize that we had actually arrived at my place.

I quickly gathered my stuff and got out of the car, but not before giving them a small "bye guys".

However, the moment I got to my front door I briefly stopped to give them one last glance, only to notice him actually give me a small wave, my heart doing a tiny flip at the single, small gesture.

Holy moly.

Immortal and The Seven Deadly Sins (Book Three in Angels, Gods & Demons series)Where stories live. Discover now