Just another nobody

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~~Hyueri POV~~
Ugh! Today is another day of school. Well maybe it will be better. All my life I've been the nobody. People would bully me and I would never have any friends. Maybe that will change. Ha! Just because I'm going to a new school nothing will change I bet.

"Noooonnaaaaa!" My brother yelled.


"Umma and Appa says you must get ready!"

Well here it goes, new school. I brush my short hair and pin my bangs back with a cute little strawberry pin. I put on my school uniform and some old black converse.

I then walk downstairs to see a squealing umma. "Umma what is it now!" I whined.

"Oh nothing! I'm just so happy my beautiful daughter is going to a private school of Seoul!" She said.

AISH jinja! This umma! "Ok umma whatever. I gotta go I'm gonna miss the bus!" I run out the door and down the stairs of our apartment building. When I walked outside, I feel something dropped on my face.


I run back into the lobby and get my umbrella out of my back pack. As I was waking to school a big wind came and I lost my balance. "Ahhhh!" I scream as I fall into a big puddle.

Oh! What a great day to start a new life.

I see the bus coming so I stick my hand into my pocket. NOOOOOO my money I forgot it at home! I sighed. I guess I have to walk to school. My outfit is gross and muddy. I'm sure my parents are going to KILL me! So are the teachers I bet.

I was almost to school I could see it in the distance when ANOTHER big gust of wind came! My umbrella then slipped out of my hand. Oh great! I bet people will think that I'm a dumb girl who's chasing my umbrella around!

A car stopped and someone rolled the window down. I could hear others in the car laughing. "Hey you need some help.?"

Yeah right like I'd fall for this jerks. Woah handsome! I guess he saw my face of disgust (picture in media) cause he threw a crumbled piece of paper at me! I then heard someone else in the car say 'Nice one V!'

Ugh they really are jerks!

I picked up the piece of paper it said 'UGLY'. The jerks were still there and I was not letting them get anymore satisfaction. I walked up to the car grabbed the jerks face whom I'm guessing is named V because someone called him that. I opened his mouth an shoved the paper in it and said "I may be ugly on the outside but at least I'm not ugly on the inside like you!" I then ran off too school. I walked in and immediately was getting gawked at like some freak show.

I found the office and went in when the lady saw me she gasped. "Oh my! What happened my dear?!" She asks me with full of 'plastic' concern plastered on her face.

"It's raining outside, I fell in a puddle and my umbrella flew away." She looked at me just like the other people did!

Gosh I hate this school already.

"Well then just go get your spare uniform out of your locker." She said, shooing me.

"I'm new and this is my only uniform." I said annoyed.

She then looked at me with wide eyes. "Oh! You're Ms. Lee? Well please follow me then!" She sat me down in an office witch I assume was the principles office. She also handed me some napkins.

Ugh! Why must I be so unlucky really?! I mean I wonder what else will happen today!





~ so how'd you guys like it!? Perhaps not many will read this but if you do thank you so much please leave a comment and tell me what you think...also v made an appearance! Also if you want to make a cover please private message me thanks!

(Bts~EXO)a bully kind of loveWhere stories live. Discover now