Chapter 1

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Autie POV

"But mom I don't wanna leave" I yelled stomping upstairs, walking into my room, and slamming the door. Minutes later my sister Neve came in and sat on my bed.

"Autie the devils coming home soon start packing" she warned walking out of my room and into hers. I began collecting boxes and puting things into them. I grabbed my snow globes I've been collecting since I was three and I carefully wrapped my one snow globe that my dad got me. 15 minutes later and I finished packing all my snow globes and started working on my pictures and posters I had on my peach colored wall. I took down all pictures one by one examining them I stopped and stared a bit longer when I seen a picture of me and cameron. I can't believe I'm leaving him. The picture was of him holding me from behind. I started tearing up when I seen more pictures of us, no we were never together. I finally got everything off the walls and I started cleaning my draws out I picked up a piece of paper and unfolded it I started smiling remembering the day I got this from cameron we were in 1st grade when I got this. I kept re-reading and re-reading it

Dear autie
I know we're young but some day I wanna marry you or at least be your buyfrind what ever that is. I wanna beable to hold your hands like our parents do.
I luve you <3

I carefully folded it back up and put it in a box. I finished everything except puting away my rug and bedding. I was getting ready to fold my blanket when my moms boyfriend came in.

"Hey little snot, your sexy ass mom wants you down stairs" he said standing by my door way making me cringe about the way he talks about my mom

"Could you tell her I'll be down in a minute?" I asked being polite maybe he will be a nice father figure, well besides the way he talks about my mom

"Bitch don't talk rude to me" he said walking closer to me

"But I didn't" I said looking at him confused

"Don't you dare back talk me" he said slapping me the fuck he slapped me. No way in hell is he going to be a father figure towards me and Neve now.

"Now make sure there is not a hand mark on your face and get down stairs" he said walking out of my room and downstairs. So I did what I was told and I went to the bathroom and checked my face luckly it was just a little red so I quickly put some foundation on and went to Neves room.

"Hey Neve" I said walking in her room to see her face timing Shawn "oh hey Shawn" I added

"Hey" both Neve and Shawn said

"Hey Shawn we gotta go, but tell cam I said hi and we'll talk later" I said grabbing the phone out of Neves hands and hanging up

"Come on Neve we need to get downstairs before the devil comes to get us" I say as we both make our way downstairs and to the table. We all sat in complete silence as we all eat.

"Um mom, I'm done may I be excused?" I asked as I see my sister done to

"Yeah" my mom said

"Me too mom?" Neve asked as our mom nodded her head yes

We pushed in our chairs and made our way back upstairs.
"Hey Neve will you come help me put my carpet and bedding away then I'll help you?" I asked hoping she will say yes. You see we are packing ALL our things besides a small blanket and our carry on because we are waking up 10:00 in the morning for our plane.

"Yeah" she said while we walked into my room. We quickly put everything away in my room then I helped Neve after twenty minutes we were both done and sitting on the ground in her room when I got a phone call. I looked at the caller id and it read 'cam' I slid my finger across the answer button and put it on speaker.

A- hey cam,your on speaker
C- Kay hey it's only 4:30 could we all hang out?
A- yeah let me ask mom call or text you?
C- sure
End phone call

"Come on Neve let's go ask mom" I said to my little sister as we made our way back downstairs damn we've just been going up and down. We found our mom still at the table.

"Hey momma can we go meet up with cameron and Shawn?" I ask

"Umm Is your rooms all packed?" She asked

"Yes" we both said

"Alright" she said giving us a nod. I quickly texted cam as Neve texted Shawn

A-mama said ya where we meet
C- umm we'll pick you guys up

We waited 3 minutes on the front porch when my best friends car pulled up and me and Neve got in. Neve got in back with Shawn and I sat in front with cam.

"Where we going" I asked cam as I played with his hands that were in the middle of us

"Umm my house, my room mate is over at a friends house so we could go there and hang" he said taking a glance at me as we drove down my street to his

"Sounds good" Neve said as I took a glance back at the two young people in the back and noticed Neves feet on Shawn and Shawn's hands on her legs.

"Good" cam said. We soon arrived at his house and walked in

"How bout we watch movies?" I suggested as everyone agreed. Shawn and Neve went to get popcorn and such as me and cam picked out the movies. We ended up picking out 'mean girls' 'girls just want to have fun' and 'insidious 2'. Me and cameron made a bed on the floor then put blankets on the couch. Neve and Shawn shortly came back into the living room with some popcorn.

"Okay, so who's going to be on the floor?" I asked

"Um me and Shawn want the floor" Neve said

"Okay but no funny bussiness" cam said as Neve went bright red. I decided to call my mom

A-hey mom can we spend the night?
M- ya sure but be back home at 8:30 we leave at 10:00
A- and also can the boys come with us to the airport?
A- Kay bye love you
M-love you too

"Hey cam, mom said it's okay that we spend the night if that's okay" I said

"Yeah sure" he said laying On the couch

"Oh and you and Shawn are going with us to the airport" I said as I sat on the other end of the couch

"Okay" cam said as he dragged me to where he was and cuddled with me

"Shawn start the movie" I said getting comfortable with cameron as he did the same. I didn't relies Shawn put in insidious 2 until it started (a/n I haven't watched this so bare with me) something popped out and I ended up shrieking and putting my head in Cameron's chest we ended up laying down with me somewhat on top of him. With my arms around him. We continued watching the movies we were watching the last movie 'mean girls' when I got board I looked down at the ground and noticed Shawn and Neve cuddling. I looked up at cameron and noticed he was looking at me.

"Hi" I said looking at him man I was going to miss him

"Hi" he said looking at me. We soon snapped back into reality when the tv started playing music from the movie

"Ugh I'm going to miss you so much" I said hugging him tightly

"I'm going to miss you too autie" he said kissing my head. I soon fell asleep with my body wrapped up with Cameron's.

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