Chapter 4

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Shawn's POV

I watched as Neve and Autie walked on to the plane I sat down next to Cameron, we both had tears in our eyes.

I pulled out my from my pocket because I had got a message, it was from a group chat.

C-love you Autie
A-love you too cam
S-I love you Neve I'll miss you
N-miss you too see you later

End of convo

I put away my phone as Cam started to speak, "we should get going man I need some more sleep and by the looks of it you do too," he said getting up. I just nodded and got up also, we made our way out to Cams car.

"This is going to be so different," I said to cam.

"You're right, but we'll get used to it," he said gripping the steering wheel a little tighter.

"You ok there Cam you seem very tense?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine just got a lot on my mind," I took this as a sign that he didn't want to talk about it. "You wanna come back to mine?" he asked after in silence for awhile.

"Ok sure," I said turning to face him, there's something up but I don't wanna just straight up ask him.

Neves POV

I was woken up by the sound of my sister saying, "come on we're here," and picking up her bag.

As we walked off the plane to find our mom, my phone started ringing I looked at the caller id and it said 'Shawny😍' he put that in if you wondering I just never changed it.

S- Hi how was or is the flight?
N-Hi it was good we just got off but I was asleep the whole time
S-Yep that's definitely you
N-Wow, now I feel loved don't i
S-How's Autie Cams been worried about her
N-She's fine, I will talk to you later but I have to go I love you bye
S-I love you too bye

End of call

"Hey Autie you might wanna call cam soon he's been worried sick"i said walking to her

"Okay" she said nodding following the adults

Auties POV

As we made our way following the adults to a bench , I was thinking about how different this is already, no Cam by my side this is going to be so hard.

"Mom I'm going to call Cam, I'll be back in a sec," I said to her. She just nodded and went to sit down with Neve and Rodergo.

I took my phone out of my bag, went to my contacts and pressed "your bad can-cam" he picked up on the first ring.

A-Hi cam
C-hi how was the flight? Are you ok? Did anything happen to you?
A-Cam everything's ok
C-thank god
A-I guess Neve was right you are worried
C-corse I am you've been my best friend since, ever
A-true but I have to go love you, promise you'll text and Skype and FaceTime every night
C-id do it even if you didn't want me to
A-I'm really sorry cam I have to go, I love you
C-it's ok I love you too, I'll see you soon bye.

And with that the phone call ended. I made my way back to everyone, and sat down. "Everything ok with Cam?" Neve asked me.

"Yeah he was just worried about me that's all," I answered.

"Wow, thanks Cam nice to feel loved," she said like he was here.

"Shut up you have Shawn, Cams mine," I said laughing, I don't really know why but this is something Cam would laugh at he's just weird. That's just anther reason why I love him.

"Quick question, why did you and Cam seem so jumpy in the car?" She asked.

"Umm...well," was all I could get out before getting up and walking towards Dairy Queen. Maybe I should just tell her, it's going to come out sometime, wait why am I thinking about this, she's your sister you tell her everything. I'll just tell her next time she asks which hopefully won't ever happen.

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