Chapter 12°

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Chapter 12° Familiar

Chapter 12° Familiar

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Carrie was currently sitting in the library, doing her History of Magic homework. At the moment they learned about the very first wizards, ever. She thought it was really interesting and important for her as a which. She already filled a whole page of parchment with black ink. As she dipped her will into the ink again, some voice pulled her out of her trance.

,,Hey, uhm- Carrie White, is it?"

Carrie lifted her head, up from her knuckles, to look at the person. Raising her eyes, she was looking at a black haired boy. Black mid-long waves filled his head, occasionally falling into his face, interrupting his kind and little smile. He was tall and had pale skin. Wearing green-black robes, she immediately identified him as a Slytherin student. However, his piercing eyes, as well as his defined face and sharp jawline, remembered her of someone, even though she was sure, to never having seen him before. Besides, she wasn't able to classify whom he reminded her of.

,,Yes, it's Carrie. Do I know you? You seem familiar." she asked right away. Who was this boy?

,,Oh, my bad. Regulus Black." Well, that was embarrassing, he thought. Regulus recognized Carrie immediately, as he walked into the room filled with books. The two never talked before, considering she was one year above him, but well, most people knew Carrie, for the smart person she was and her looks. However, her not knowing who the boys, was a big relief to him. Most people already knew him and his family, or at least they knew about them. But if she didn't recognize him, maybe she didn't know many rumors about him and would be unbiased and open about him.

Carries eyes widened in realization. Of course, she thought. He has the same mimic and gesture. Besides the looks are similar. ,,Makes sense. You and Sirius do look a lot alike."

,,I guess we do..." he shrugged, scratching his neck nervously. ,,Whatever, I wanted to ask you something. I was sick in our last Care of Magical-Creatures class and well you are the best student. So I was wondering if you could help me and maybe tell me about nifflers. Please."

,,Sure. We don't share that class though, do we?"

,,No, I'm one year younger than you. But as everyone knows you're one of the best students, I thought I'd ask you, hoping you may help me." Regulus looked at the ground flustered and pulled back one of the seats, sitting down. He was now sitting in front of Carrie, a table splitting them.

,,It's no problem, I'd love to help." she smiled at the boy. ,,A niffler is a, classified by the ministry, magical beast. It's genuinely harmless as well as stubborn. They have a long snout and a coat of black, fluffy fur. The creature is attached to shiny things, like jewelry, which makes it great for locating treasure, but also meant that they could wreck indoor environments, if they're kept inside. If you want to, you could borrow my notes from that lesson. There are more detailed information and sketches and stuff." 

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