Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Summers POV

When the school bell rang signalling the end of the day I made my way with Ivy to Mr Keeling room. We arrived to find that we wouldn't be alone in detention. Cole Bryant, an attractive jock who thought with his ass instead of his head. And Jenny Goldthorpe, a loud mouthed punky girl who's always gotten on my nerves ever since middle school.
I sighed as I took my seat behind Cole with Ivy on my right. I started looking out the window. I could see Sam walking towards his car with Jace. Kelly was walking with them not saying anything, just giving Sam side glances. All three of them got in Sams car and drove away leaving me in detention with Keeling.
'Miss Adams are you listening?'
Mr Keeling voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
'Yes...wait what?' I replied, Mr Keeling sighed.
'I said, Miss Adams, that you will be put to good use while your in detention'
'Meaning?' I said sarcastically
'Meaning you and Mr Bryant will be polishing all the trophies in the trophy cabinet'
I groaned, that was a lot of trophies to polish. I gave Cole an exasperated look, I could probably convince him to do the work for me but still are you even allowed to give students manual labour as a punishment anymore?!
'Miss Waters, you and Miss Goldthorpe will be cleaning the gym cupboard'
Jenny groaned louder than I did and slid down further in her chair, Ivy just gave a small nod.
'Mr Keeling-' I began to protest
'Enough Miss Adams' he snapped 'I don't want to hear it! Just go do your jobs, the quicker you do them the quicker you can leave!'
'Fine' I grumbled getting out of my chair pulling Cole out of his as I passed.

I sat knee deep in trophies with a spray bottle in one hand and a duster in the other. Cole was sat opposite me in a similar position. I sighed at the sight of all the little gold people I was going to have to clean. Usually I'm happy when my school does well in something, I'm head cheerleader after all! But I've never had to clean them, I never really noticed how many we had.
'What did you do?' Asked Cole, it was the first thing he'd said to me all evening
'Excuse me?' I said
'What did you do to get landed in detention with Keeling?' He corrected
'Oh, I punched Kerri Harper in the face' I said with a shrug. Cole gave a low whistle
'So that's why she was sporting a shiner last period' exclaimed Cole with a laugh.
'What about you?' I asked
'Decided to pull a first day back prank' he said simply 'painted Mr Keeling's desk pink'
'How'd you get caught?'
'Left my football in his office, took em five minutes to work out it was me!'
I scoffed, idiot. Although I do wish I'd seen Keeling's face when he found his desk bright pink!

Then there was a loud crash that sounded like it came from Mr Keeling's classroom.
'What was that?' I whispered to Cole who had gone white
'I don't know' he replied
'Should we go check it out?' I asked
'Probably just Keeling dropping a box of files or something'
'Yeah probably' I agreed trying to reassure myself
Then another crash, this time louder followed by a bone shattering roar. Both Cole and I leapt to our feet
'Still think it was Keeling?' I asked Cole. He gulped.

We tiptoed down the corridor towards Mr Keeling's classroom. His door was slightly ajar, light spilled out into the corridor. We crept closer, with each step I could hear clearer what was going on in the classroom. I could hear something being dragged across the floor, something hissed from time to time and something was thumping round on heavy feet. We reached the door and peered inside. I nearly screamed at what I saw, I only just managed to clamp my hand over my mouth and Cole's in time. Inside the classroom were four figures. One was the human form of Mr Keeling, he was addressing two tall, thick forms. They looked reptilian, serpent like, they had long tails, sharp talons and teeth that dripped with clear saliva like liquid, on their backs were two scraggy looking wings barely strong enough to hold their weight by the looks of them. Instead they balanced on two thick muscly legs, their eyes were slits and their scales bright green, blue that looked gold in certain lights. And as if it couldn't get any stranger behind the two snake men was something that vaguely resembled a bull. It had long curved horns that protruded from its skull, they looked jagged and sharp. I'd hate to be on the receiving end of them! The creature was massive, it stood hunched over in the small classroom. It's shaggy hair fell over its face in tangled, greasy strands. It's hair was stained red in places but it was mostly brown, I'd hate to think what the red stuff could be. Occasionally it would snort and stamp its hooves against the floor making the school shudder.
I looked down at Cole to check that he was seeing this too. His eyes were wide and his face was paler than it was before. He stood with his gaze fixated on the monsters talking to our chemistry teacher. Very slowly I took my hand away from his mouth and told him to stay quiet.
'...planned for a long time now, don't mess this up' said Mr Keeling in a deep voice.
'We won't massssster' hissed one of the snake men
'You better not' he snapped back 'split up and find the princesses, you two go together to find one and set the Deodand off to find the other'
'It needsssss sssomething to track he with' said the second snake man
'Use this' replied Keeling, he handed something over to the snake men but I couldn't see what, seconds later there was another earsplitting roar and I watched in horror as Ivy's scarf fell to the floor.

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