Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Summers POV

As September gave way to October the weather began to cool. The forests surrounding the palace were made up of evergreen trees so their leaves and verdant colour remained intact. However the trees in the palace gardens shifted from green to fiery reds, oranges, yellows and bronze. The guards gold uniforms seemed to glow in the autumnal sun. The golden roof of the palace shone like a beacon every sunrise and sunset.

Since the Troll attack there hadn't been anymore "incidents", everything had been creepily quiet. For the first couple of days everyone was constantly on edge in case of another attack, the slightest noise could send the guards grappling for their weapons. When no further threats showed themselves everyone began to relax. Even Ivy's dreams began to subside. The bags under her eyes disappeared completely and I could no longer hear her crying out in her sleep. It only took a couple of days for the throne room to be completely empty of injured guards and civilians. During those days Ivy and I did everything we could to help the medical staff and the remaining wounded. Zacks arm healed remarkably well and he was back sparring with Ivy less than a week later.

The weeks leading up to the Harvest ball were a flurry of dress fittings, dance lessons and extra combat and magic training. By the time the week of the ball rolled around, Ivy and I had improved our magical abilities considerably. And we could dance with a partner almost expertly.

'And dip' Laurels voice rang out clearly across the empty ballroom 'brilliant! Well done guys!'
From my position in Darius' arms I could see Laurel switch off the music with a proud flourish. Suddenly I was upright once again, the pressure in my lower back had disappeared completely as Darius released me from the extremely low dip he'd been holding me in. My face was flushed pink from the blood rushing to my head. This was the last dance Ivy and I had been forced to learn for the harvest ball. We'd practiced one a week for seven weeks. Today was our last lesson before the ball this evening, so Laurel had us practicing all seven different dances in floor length skirts.

The hardest part of the whole thing wasn't having to memorise the routines, both Ivy and I were pretty good at that, it was dancing in the long skirts. The first time we tried to dance in floor length skirts Ivy fell over almost instantly. Then I stood on mine and ripped it as I fell over. However, along with the help of our dance partners Darius and Quinn, Laurel managed to transform Ivy and I into graceful ladies of the dance floor.

With a swift hand gesture Laurel dismissed Darius and Quinn from the ball room. Then she approached us.
'Girls' she said smiling like a proud mother 'I never thought I'd say this after I first saw you dance but, I think that you're ready for the ball'
Ivy, who was stood so close to me that our shoulders were brushing against one another, nudged me and gave me a triumphant grin. She looked far healthier now her dreams had lost their intensity.
'As you know, tonight you will be expected to open the ball with routine number one'
I perked up at this piece of information, the first routine we'd learnt was my favourite. Judging by Ivy's reaction it was hers too.
'You can pick anyone to be your partner for this routine, you can choose to dance with Darius and Quinn if you want seeing as it's your first time. But bear in mind that this dance usually looks better when you're dancing with someone you have a connection with'
My mind began to wander. Almost immediately I knew who I wanted to dance with. I glanced at Ivy and saw her deep in thought as well. It was no secret that Zack had slept on the floor of her room for about a week to "be there if she had a nightmare", at first both Jace and I thought it was just an excuse to be close to her but when Ivy's dreams subsided he stopped sleeping in her room. Even though he no longer slept in her room, Zack continued to watch out for my sister. I'd lost count of all the times I'd seen him staring at her when she wasn't concentrating. A small smile always appeared on his face whenever she was around. He was so gentle with her, it made me happy, she deserved something good in her life. Especially after her parents.
'Girls?' Laurels voice snapped the both of us out of our thoughts 'you listening?'
'Good, as I was saying, you have until six to do whatever you want. At six my team of stylists and I will come to your rooms and help you get ready for the ball. Don't be late' Laurel said sternly and with that parting statement she went to pack up the music equipment and go sort out the finishing touches for this evening.

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