Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Ivy's POV

I felt as though I'd been thrown in a bath of ice. My whole body went ridgid. It was like my nightmares coming to life. Next to me Summer straightened up hearing the distress in my voice. I didn't have to look at her to know she'd seen him too. A string of colourful curse words told me everything I needed to know. No one moved. Everyone stood frozen. Guests stopped trying to break down the doors in a frantic attempt to escape. Guards stood stock still, weapons still poised in the air. Bodies of the Manananggals littered the floor, mixing with the bodies of our own. No one moved, except Blight. He clapped. Every clap echoed round the lofty ballroom, harsh and loud like a gunshot, I fought the urge to flinch every time he brought his hands together. Mustering whatever strength I had left I drew myself up tall and glared at him.
'Bravo! Very impressive princesses, you make a good team' those cold violet eyes never leaving my icy blue ones.
'What do you want?' He wore all black leaving his eyes as the only colour. A wicked Silver sword sat in a black sheath on his left hip.
'You know what I want your highness' he looked like a raven.
Everyone's eyes turned to me. I could feel their stares.
'And if I refuse to give it to you?' I held my head up tall.
'Don't pretend you don't know what will happen' his stare unwavering 'you've already lived through it twice' he spread his arms as if to gesture the bodies that covered the floor 'can you afford a third?'
A smug smile appeared on his sadistic face. His threat hung in the air over my head, it was my move. More Mangys had appeared, there was about ten more now. Plus Blight, but I doubted he would take part in the battle. Our men and women were armed and ready. We could take them. We have to take them.
'Go screw yourself' I spat forcing venom into each word. The smug smile slid off Blights sharp, angular face.
'Wrong answer. VADE!' With eyes ablaze Blight ordered the beasts into battle.
'GO!' I yelled as I ran towards the nearest Mangy. Both sides surged together in a flurry of wings, talons and swords. Screeches and yells filled the air.

I collided with the first Mangy. Without skipping a beat I swung for its head. But Blight had saved his best for last, they all wore thick black, leather body armour and brandished long knives.The beast blocked my offence and kicked me hard in the chest. I flew backwards and hit the floor with a heavy thud. My back and hips screamed in pain but I forced myself to get up. Before I could get to my feet, the beast was on me again. It raised its arms and then drove its knife down. I rolled to the side and narrowly missed the blade. The creature had struck the floor with such a force that its knife became lodged in the marble. I felt slightly uneasy when I saw the sheer strength of these monsters. While the creature struggled to free its weapon, I prepared to finish it off. But when I reached for my sword I found it wasn't there. I looked around frantically for it. Just my luck. My sword lay next to the very creature I was trying to kill, within reach of its claws. With a grunt I pushed off the floor and ran at the beast. It paused for a second and then raised its claws in defence, maybe even offence. I dropped to the floor and slid beneath the outstretched talons. I snatched my sword off the ground and thrust it forwards. I aimed for the monsters back but it twisted away at the last second and I caught its wing instead. My blade tore through muscle, skin and tendons. The Mangy let out a primal scream and abandoned its knife. Driven by pain and anger, it attacked me more violently than before. But it became careless. With each attack I dodged I was forced to take a step back. The monster whipped its wing out with insane power, I threw myself into a back handspring; narrowly avoiding the wing. Before I knew it I was up against the cream panelled wall of the ballroom. It won't be cream for much longer if I don't move I thought. With another scream the Mangy drove its right talons forwards at my head, in a split second I ducked beneath them. Moving quickly I launched myself into a side aerial and land added on its blind side and with a grunt of desperation I drove my sword home. The weapon disappeared in between the Mangys shoulder blades, piercing its chest plate. The creature began to crumple to the floor. I'd lopped its head off before its knees touched the ground. My arms ached from swinging the heavy sword, all my muscles felt fatigued and I could barely catch a breath.

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