Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3: Ivy's POV

I pulled my bag onto my shoulder and held on tighter. I bustled around by students making their way to class. Older students who had their own cars were making their way across the carpark. The whole thing was extremely intimidating. I scanned the carpark and my eyes drifted over a familiar cream mini. It was the one that had driven past the bus stop this morning. I froze when I saw the girl who had been driving it. She had long honey, blonde hair that fell in perfect beach waves around her shoulders, she had perfect tanned skin like she spent every waking moment sunbathing. A pair of sunglasses his her eyes from my view. To my surprise she raised her sunglasses off her face and made eye contact with me. Her face looked a cross between shock and awe as she moved through the parked cars. My locket began to heat up, I raised my hand and began stroking it for comfort. The girl reached up and grabbed onto a necklace of her own. She wasn't focusing on where she was walking, she wandered out onto the road into the path of an oncoming car. A horn sounded and I looked away and waited for the impact. Nothing came and I looked up to see the girl hugging a tall blonde guy. She was deep in conversation with him. Our moment, if you can call it that, was over. Someone pushed past me and knocked me out of my daze. I snapped back into action, I needed to find the office and get my timetable and locker number.

I pushed my way inside the school. Clearwater High School, the lockers that lined the walls were painted a bright blue. Posters lined the locker free walls, drama club, cheer tryouts, swim team, tutoring, first football game of the season was this week, they had everything here. The halls were buzzing with conversations as everyone caught up with one another and sank back into the routine of things. I received a few strange looks as I wandered, lost, through the halls. I needed to find this office before class started. I looked around, searching for any sign of the office when I walked into a wall, no, not a wall. I felt two hands on my shoulders, I looked up into two beautiful dark blue eyes framed by long, thick, dark eyelashes. The boy smiled at me and held me at arms length.
'God I'm so sorry!' I rushed, flushing pink. His smile widened, he had short jet black hair and alabaster white skin than was almost flawless apart from a tiny scar above his right eyebrow.
'Its alright' he said, his eyes locked with mine. 'Are you a freshmen?'
'Oh no!' I backtracked 'I'm a junior'
'You don't look like a junior' he said his brows furrowing slightly.
'I should be a sophomore but I skipped a grade' I explained.
'Ah, that explains it' he nodded his head 'so you're a transfer student? I haven't seen you around before'
'Yeah I moved here from England'
'England, wow, how come?' He asked.
' got a promotion and his company moved him over here'
'Cool, well my names Leo, Leo Calder' he held his hand out to me.
'Ivy Waters' I replied, taking his hand. He had a firm grip.
'Well it was nice meeting you Ivy' he said and began to walk away.
'Leo wait!' I stopped him.
'Yeah?' He asked biting his lip slightly as he turned to face me.
'Do you know where the office is?' I asked, his face softened.
'Yeah course, come with me I'll take you'
'Thankyou' I jogged lightly to catch up with him.

'So where abouts in England did you move from?' He asked as we walked through the slightly less crowded halls.
'Ilkley..Yorkshire' I doubted he knew where that was.
'Nice' he said politely 'so..did you like know the Queen?' He asked. I laughed at that one, I'd been asked that a lot lately.
'No I didn't know the Queen, but I went to the same boarding school as Princess Beatrice' I explained.
'Ah! So you do have royal connections' he said as he bumped me with his shoulder.
'Yeah I guess' I replied.
'Do you have any brothers or sisters?' He asked.
'No, it's just me and my parents' I looked down slightly, I didn't want to tell him I was adopted just yet, we'll save that one 'what about you?'
'Nah, just me...and my parents' he added 'this your first time in the US?'
'Yeah it is, we never got round to coming over before'
'How're you liking it so far?'
'It's nice, a lot warmer than home' I said.
'And the school?' He pushed.
'I can't get my head round the dress code' I pulled at my top.
'Was your old dress code more relaxed than this?' He asked genuinely.
'I wish!' I laughed 'no I had to wear a uniform'
'You wore a uniform?' His face lighting up at this new piece of information 'was it like little knee high socks and short skirts'
'Far less sexy than what your imagining' I burst his bubble 'we had tartan pleated skirts, bow ties not ties, knee high socks and Blazers'
'I don't think I'll ever complain about the dress code ever again' Leo grumbled.
'Here we are!' He suddenly said. The office door sat infront of me 'have a good day, it was nice meeting you Ivy'
'Thanks Leo' I called as he walked away to class. I took a deep breath and walked inside.
A few people were inside the office, two middle aged ladies who were manning the desks, a tall blonde boy who had his back to me and a broad, muscly guy who was sat outside the headteacher-principals office, his hands were tinged pink. I walked up to the desk.
'Name sugar?' The blue rinse office assistant asked me with a smile. She had her bright pink lipstick smeared on her crooked teeth, her glasses were perched on the end of her nose and hung round her neck with a chain.
'Ivy Waters' I answered.
'Ah yes the transfer' she trailed off as she began rummaging around with some papers 'Marcie do you have Ivy waters' timetable?' She a,send the second office assistant.
'No, but I have her locker number' Marcie replied, she bumbled over and handed the other office assistant a piece of paper.
'Where is it' she said to herself as Marcie disappeared back to her desk.
'Ah here we go!' She said a few seconds later as she held up a piece of paper triumphantly. She handed me the piece of paper, I looked at it blankly, this meant nothing to me. Noting my blank look the office assistant called the tall blonde boy over.
'You've missed homeroom so you can just go to your first class' She called 'Zack come here'
The boy turned to face me, he had a handsome face with angular cheek bones, his eyes were deep blue, lighter than Leo's, darker than mine. He looked me up and down but his expression didn't waver. He strode over to the desk not making eye contact with me.
'Please take miss Waters to her first class'
He took my timetable from me without a word. I watched as he scanned the piece of paper. A few seconds later he looked me dead in the eye.
'You've got physics first period with Mr Anders' he said as he began to walk out the office 'follow me'

I struggled to keep up with Zack's long strides, he was way taller than I was and he didn't walk slowly with me like Leo had. Zack's shoulders were broad and tense as he walked down the corridor. The halls were quieter now everyone was in class. I jogged so I was side by side with Zack, he didn't spare me a glance, what was his problem?
'Hi, I'm Ivy' I offered. He looked at me briefly.
'Zack' he said quickly. It was clear he didn't want to talk to me so I stayed quiet after that.
'Your lockers there' he pointed out my locker, it was the one of the few that hadn't been decorated yet. Number 2135. I noted down where my locker was and carried on following Zack. A few minutes later we came to a scratched door with a worn handle. I could just make out the low buzz of conversation inside.
'This is Mr Anders' Zack said 'good luck, he's really boring'
'Thankyou!' I called after him as he sauntered off down the corridor, he barely acknowledged me, just giving me a brief wave. I stuck my tongue out at him childishly. I grasped the door handle and with a deep breath, I pushed it open.

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