Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Summer's POV

I refused to speak to either Jace or Zack the whole ride to Draycott. I stared ahead blankly. I felt numb; not from the cold. The past twenty four hours had been a blur of weapons, people talking at me and denial. I didn't want to believe that my own sister had left me, nor did I want to believe that I would have to lead an army into battle on my own.
'You're not alone'Jace had said, I didn't believe him, I didn't even reply to him. He and Zack flanked both my sides as we rode through the countryside. I held back the tears the whole time, I had to look strong today. If I survived today then I would allow myself to break down. But only if I made it through this war.

Everyone had prepared for war in different ways. Adras flaming hair had been braided tightly and woven with a long strand of wire, it worked like a garrot, basically she could use it to decapitate certain creatures. Bellator had decorated his dark skin with gold paint, swirling patterns covered his arms and neck leaving his face bare. He looked like some sort of tribal warrior. He stood out from his army of Elves as he and Adra sat side by side in their horses.

On the other side of the battlefield I could see Blights army being led by the bastard himself. Leo was on his left and a girl with a shock of white hair was on his right. I looked for Ivy and with a start I realised that the girl with white hair was Ivy.
'It's just like the dreams' I whispered when I saw her.
'The one with the White hair is her, isn't it?' Zack asked, his jaw set angrily.
'Yes' I replied hoarsely.
'I'm going to kill him' he spat not tearing his eyes away from Ivy.
'You'll get your chance' I said dryly 'did you give the order?'
'Yes' Zack nodded slowly, I noticed a thin gold chain around his neck 'everyone's under strict orders not to kill Ivy'
'What about harming her?!' I asked
'They might have to use force on her if she doesn't come quietly'
I shook my head, guilt seeped into me. What was I doing?
'It's her sixteenth birthday, her full powers will have come in by now. She was dangerous before, she's almost unstoppable now' he added when he saw my expression.
'I want to be the one to take her in' I said staring ahead.
'I'm not sure that's a good idea' he replied.
'Why not?' I snapped looking at him now.
'You're clearly upset about her-' he began
'And you're not?!' I cut in.
'I won't let my emotions cloud my judgement, I had to kill friends in the Great War, don't forget that'
'You'd kill Ivy?' I asked
'No!' He said, shocked 'I would never want to hurt her, but if knocking her out or wounding her enough to weaken her powers is what it takes to get her to safety, then I'll do it! A concussion can be healed, whatever Blight's done to her can't. The sooner she's back at the palace, the sooner we can figure all this crap out'
'Fine' I agreed reluctantly.
I fell back into silence. Across the battlefield Ivy was watching Zack intently. I couldn't see her properly but her body language suggested she was tense. How could she be fighting for him after all he's done to her, to us? He had her parents murdered, both of them! Almost killed Zack. What has he said, or done, to get her to trust him and change sides completely? When I was told about the war I never expected Ivy to be participating, I never expected her to betray us like that, betray me..
'Summer?' Jace's voice cut through my thoughts.
'Yeah?' I asked wearily, I tried to push all thoughts of Ivy from my mind.
'I just wanted to say that, I have seen so many people die in battle, and I only fought for one year in the Great War' he started slightly shaky. I turned my horse so I was closer to him. I took his hand in mine.
'I've buried both my parents, all I had left was Zack. Then I met you. I was told to keep a distance from you, protect you from outside your social group. Zack was better at it than I was. But I wanted to get to know you, I broke the rules and got close. Sometimes I wish I hadn't'
I frowned slightly at that one. I started to speak but he cut me off.
'Not because I don't like you, trust me, I like you. But because you're always throwing yourself in harms way for other people. You'd happily die for any of us, same with Ivy. But what you don't understand is, that if you die...I-I won't have anything left to live for. Summer you mean everything to me and for that' he sighed 'I guess, I'm in love you.'
Stunned, I gawped at him for a few seconds struggling to find the right words. He loved me! After all this time, he loved me! For a moment I forgot about the imminent battle and focused on Jace.
'Summer?' He said uncertainly when I didn't reply 'I'm sorry if I've forced this on you-' he began babbling quickly in embarrassment.
'Shut up' I said and leaned forward. I kissed him hard, instantly he relaxed into the kiss. Memories of the Harvest Ball burst into my head, our first kiss on the dance floor in front of everyone. The way he'd been rambling on when I'd been staring at him. Then I kissed him to make him shut up.
'You know I can't promise I'll make it out alive' I whispered, our faces still inches from one another 'but I will fight till the end to be with you. That, I can promise'
He smiled.
'Summer, it's speech time' Zack said, a sad smile playing on his features. He'd seen our display of affection, he was pining for Ivy. It was then that I knew that he loved her. Sparing the girl with white hair one final glance, I rounded on my army.

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