Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Ivy's POV

Blight Kane stood before me in my dream in all his glory. He wore his trademark dark silver armour. His breast plate was patterned with intricate swirls and spirals. It looked as though the breast plate was still molten silver. His chain mail rippled as his muscles flexed and relaxed, as if it was made of water. He regarded me with cold, dark eyes that shared the same hunger as a rabid wolf. His dark hair was so black it was blue, it was neatly styled and combed. His pale skin was a similar shade to my own. He circled me, stare unwavering. His sword was sheathed which made me relax slightly but not completely. It's just a dream, I told myself, he can't hurt me in my dreams. Finally Blight opened his mouth to speak.
'I thought I told you not to tell anyone' his voice was cool and calm. It was slightly unnerving.
'Tell anyone about what?' I played dumb.
'The dreams' he stopped circling me and stood dead in front of me. He was a good foot taller than me. I squinted up at him. He looked down at me but not in disgust. He looked at me with an emotion I couldn't remember the name of.
'I told you not to tell anyone about the dreams' he was annoyed with me 'why did you tell them?'
'I had to' I replied still staring up at him. Our eyes locked.
'Why did you have to tell them?' He emphasised the 'have'.
'Because they're my friends and people and they had a right to know'
Yes, he was looking at me in wonder. Maybe because I was actually having a conversation with him without bursting into tears or running away. Wonder because I had defied his instructions. Wonder because I was standing up to him. He examined me with an amused expression now.
'You'll make a brilliant queen one day Ivy Ebony Underwood'
My heart stopped briefly as he said my full name. He continued.
'Strong' he began circling me again but closer this time.
'Smart' I could feel his cool breath on the back of my neck, I shivered.
'Independent' his body didn't radiate any warmth like Zacks did. Blight was cold.
'You're exactly what I'm looking for' he stepped back again to get a good look at me like an artist critiquing their masterpiece.
'Excuse me?' I squeaked out.
'Come on Ivy, Summer may be more powerful than you at the moment, in fact she's about to gain a new power, but you're close behind her and you haven't reached full strength yet. Imagine the power you'll have when you turn sixteen?' My chest began to constrict with the rising fear I was feeling.
'Alone you'd be unstoppable but together we'd be legends. Just think about it, you as my queen, ruling over all of Eremay'
'No' I stuttered out 'no I- I don't want that'
'Why not, we'd be undefeated. All you have to do is join me Ivy and I highly suggest you do. It would be in your best interests'
'And if I don't?' I asked folding my arms.
'Then your parents will be the first, but certainly not the last, to die because of your defiance' he said simply.
'What do you mean?' I asked scared.
'You'll see' he said. And then all hell broke loose. The air was filled with screams. The scene before me faded to suffocating blackness. I tried to cry out but my mouth wouldn't obey. I could feel pressure on my shoulders, someone was yelling something. I couldn't work out what they were saying. As I surfaced the voice became clearer.
'IVY!' Zacks frantic voice pulled me out of my slumber 'Ivy you've got to wake up!'
My eyes fluttered open to reveal Zacks terrified face.
'Good girl' he said as I came around.
'What's going on' I tried to ask but my mouth still wouldn't work so it came out as a jumble of incoherent grunts.
'Come on Ivy the palace is under attack' I sat bolt upright at that news. I swung my legs over the side of the bed. Zack supported me at first because my brain was still half asleep.
'Put on something skintight but comfy' he advised 'then I'll help you with the rest'
I now noticed that Zack was fully kitted out in full battle armour and was carrying various weapons. When he had his back to me I stripped off my pyjamas and pulled on a pair of black leggings and a long sleeved black top. Zack handed me a pair of knee high black leather lace up boots to put on. Once my boots were laced up he helped me put on my chai mail tunic.
'Who's attacking?' I asked, my voice clearer now
'More like what' he replied and then told me to raise my arms over my head so he could put on my chest plate. The armour I was wearing was a shiny gold, just like the armour the guard wear. Once I was fully equipped Zack pulled out an array of weapons.
'Take a couple of knives and a sword'
I had one knife in my boot, another strapped to my left upper arm, a third one in my belt alongside a long, wickedly sharp, gold-hilted, silver-shafted sword. The royal crest was emblazoned on the swords sheath.
'Will I need a specific type of sword' I asked knowing that a different creature required a different blade to kill it.
'It doesn't matter what blade you use this time' said Zack solemnly as he led me from the room. I stepped over the blanket and pile of pillows that Zack had used as a bed last night.
'Promise me you'll be very careful' Zack said as he took off at a sprint down the marble corridor.
'Zack what-'
'Promise me!' He cut me off
'I promise' I agreed 'Zack, what's attacking us?'
He stayed silent for a few seconds before signing and saying.
My breath caught in my throat, I'd never fought a troll before. In fact I'd never seen one before. From what I'd heard they were very dangerous. Zack and I reached the front doors of the palace, I could see Jace deep in conversation with Summer, she was nodding in reply to something he had said. Her hand was poised on the handle of her sword. I felt Zack pull me to one side. I could hear the screams clearer now, but now they were being mixed with an animalistic roar. Similar to that of a Deodand but more human. The noise sent shivers down my spine.
'Trolls are big and very stupid, no matter how many times you slice and stab it, it won't realise, they're too stupid to know when they've been hit. Hence why they fight to the death, theirs or yours'
My stomach turned at the thought of fighting a troll.
'Stick with me' Zack put both hands on my shoulders, the armour was lighter than I expected but still heavy none the less. 'I'll keep you safe' he looked me dead in the eye, his blue-green ones filled with concern.
'Never let your guard down okay? Get ready to use shields if necessary. You know how to use a sword, only use your knife if you have no other options or for close up combat but I somehow doubt that you'll get close enough to use it'
Zack looked like he wanted to say more but he was cut off by his brother.
'You guys ready to fight?' Jace called, Summer looked pale but determined to fight.
'Yeah' replied Zack 'lets do this'

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