Chapter 53 - Bom Bom

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The Glee club were gathered in the choir room after school, (not so) patiently waiting for Kitty and Tina to return. They were selling the calendars we had made at the very entrance to the school, the one every student in McKinley walked past. If this didn't work, if they didn't sell enough, we couldn't do to Regionals. 

Everyone was dead silent. We were anxious  - what if we didn't have the money to get us there? All of our hard work would be for nothing? Around me, I heard the rustling of jackets, the clicking of phones, the zipping of bags. 

There was a flash of colour at the door and the whole Glub sat up straight. "We got money!" Kitty shouted with a smile, bouncing over to the piano with wads of cash, Tina following behind her with even more money. This was amazing!

Finn turned around and carefully and slowly counted the money. And then he turned to face us, the large sum of money almost slipping out of his hand. "We need ten more dollars."

The room sighed heavily. I saw a few hands twitch to reach towards their bags but they all stopped themselves; they were hesitant to give up money, but I wanted to go so badly. I dug  into my pocket and fished out two five dollar notes. 

"Hey, no," Ryder whispered, pushing my hand down, "I've got money, let me use mine."

"No, don't be silly." I smiled. "This is me paying for me - I need to go to Regionals!" The whole room laughed and cheered. 

Ryder lowered his voice. "Don't you need the money, Marley?"

"She needs the money." Kitty shouted out, throwing her hands up in the air, drawing all the attention to her. "Marley needs the cash to get herself to the gym, don't you Madam 'Pukes A Lot'?"

"When will you stop?" I snapped, spinning my body to face her. 

"Stop what? Telling the truth?" She raised a perfect eyebrow at me. "Lying is a sin. And I don't want to go to hell." 

I rushed down the stairs and slammed the money on the piano beside Finn.

Stop what? Telling the truth? 

I was on the verge of tears, but I held my head up high and stormed to my seat. 

Stop what? Telling the truth?

"Thanks to our beautiful Marley Rose, we..." Finn stopped, holding his hands out in front of him, creating a room full of suspense, "can officially go to Regionals!"


Ryder and I were sat in my lounge room, arms wrapped around each other, in front of the TV with mom who was watching another episode of the infamous Days of Our Lives. I had my legs thrown over Ryder's, my chin resting on his shoulder. Mom's attention was completely focused on the show, but Ryder and I were getting distracted.  

"Does your mom really like this show?" Ryder laughed. 

"Yeah, even though it's ridiclous. Granny and pop loved this show, and it's just been passed onto mom. She's been watching it since she was like six or seven!" 

"How did a six year old understand this?" Ryder looked down at me, raising his eyebrows. I laughed and leaned forward to kiss him. Our teeth grazed against each others, and all of a sudden Ryder pulled back; "How much longer does this show have?"

"Ah, twenty more minutes?" 

Ryder was looking from the TV to me, chewing on his lip. He grabbed under my legs and pulled me onto his lap. "Hm, you read my mind..." I whispered, grabbing onto his hands and pulling them to my waist, letting his fingers dig into my skin. I kissed him again, my hair brushing against his face, my nose knocking against his. 

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