Chapter 60 - Lost and Found

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"In second place," Dr. Phil paused as he opened the envelope. I could see the tension in everyone's bodies, the tight chests as they held their breaths. The world was moving in slow motion, Dr. Phil's fingers barely moving as he unfolded the paper in his hands. "...the New Directions. In first place, Starstruck Velocity!"

I felt the world fall apart in front of my eyes. This was all my fault. If I had sung a little better, put a bit more effort into my solo, we could have won. They were all counting on me and I failed them. I stared into the audience as the joyful screams of Starstruck Velocity pounded in my head. 

A warm hand rested onto my shoulder. It was Kitty, her big eyes looking up at me. She said something, but I couldn't hear her voice over the cheering for the winning Glee club. I felt devastated, as did everyone around me.

I felt myself being pulled back into reality as Dr. Phil stepped up to me, holding his hand out. "Hi there, I'm Dr. Phil." 

"I know, I know," I smiled at him. All of the days I had spent watching his show flooded back into my memory, every moment I had laughed with mom over his jokes, every day I had spent lying on the couch with his show in the background. "I'm Marley Rose."

"Your Glee club did a... terrific job today. You should all be very proud of yourself, especially you, Marley. It's... evident... that you care for your team mates dearly. You're going to make it big one day." Despite feeling so horrible about the competition, I smiled, because he really meant what he said. But just like that, Dr. Phil stepped away to go and congratulate the winners. 

The Glee club started to file off the stage, heading out the backstage door, but I couldn't move. My eyes were focused on the audience, each of them standing and applauding for the winners, cheers leaving every mouth. That could have been for us, but it wasn't. We could have felt that joy, that acceptance, that ambition that would come with the win...

I felt a soft hand on my lower back. It was Ryder. "Come on, we need to get off stage..." His eyes were sad, shiny with a hint of tears, and his face was contorted into this deep frown. I had let him down.

Together we walked back to our green room, where a painful look of disappointment was etched over everyone's faces. It left me in shock - it was all my fault. I had failed them. My stomach dropped. 

As Ryder took a seat in the far corner, I left. I darted through the confusing passages, running through the foyer, and then to the water fountain outside, where all the people were gathering. I pulled off my pumps and sat on the edge of the fountain, dangling my bare feet into the cold water. It was calming, and it gave me the courage to cry. I felt so guilty. The stares of others were digging into my back, almost burning my skin. 

"Marley!" I heard Finn shout, his voice sounding distance. I couldn't bring myself to look around for him - I really didn't want him to see me like this. "Marley..." Heavy footsteps came towards me, and out of the corner I saw Finn sitting beside me, his back facing the water. "Why are you out here?"

I shrugged my shoulders, bringing a hand up to wipe my eyes.

"Marley..." Finn's voice was soft, calming. "You did incredible today. You worked so hard. You had a good comeback, and all of us are proud of you..."

I swallowed a lump in my throat. "It's my fault we lost."

Finn stayed quiet, but he reached a hand out to place on my arm. I flinched away from him, stepping out of the fountain, and walking away from him as fast as I could manage. I didn't want to hear another lie from his mouth. 

I turned down an alleyway, and stepped through the high walls to a beautiful pathway, trees lining the cement, creating pretty shadows on the ground. The scenery around me blurred as I began to cry again. As I walked forwards, I ended up running into Jake, who was frantically looking around for me as well. 

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