Chapter 28 - Keep It Going

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The next afternoon, I stood at my locker. I felt sick, and was so ready to go home. My head was aching and my stomach felt way too full for my liking. Just as I was about to leave for Glee, Jake came up to me and leaned again the lockers beside me flirtatiously. "Hey, Marley."

"Hey there, Jake." I smiled softly. I threw my back pack onto my back and leaned against the locker to face him. "What's up?"

"So, I just was wondering, would you like to go out on... Friday? For like a date or something?" Jake asked with a sly smile. 

Before I could tell him I already had plans for Friday and that I was very sorry, Ryder came out of nowhere. "Marley's got plans on Friday, dude." Ryder gave me the sweetest smile but then looked at Jake with the most hateful expression on his face. "Football's got an away game and I asked her if she'd come cheer us on." 

Jake did not look happy at all. I was starting to grow slightly nervous. 

"See, Jake," Ryder sighed with a shake of his head, "it's funny. Girls don't like it when you make it seem like you're really into them and then totally blow them off." 

"You know what, dude? I never remember asking for your opinion." Jake snapped. 

I could sense something bad was going to happen, so I finally spoke up. "Guys, don't do this." I said, my shaky voice. Of course, they ignored me. 

"Whoa, whoa. You're really intimidating." Ryder said to Jake, backing away like he was scared. 

"What kind of name is 'Ryder Lynn' anyway? It sounds like your parents named you after a cowgirl that comes with her own pony." Jake replied with an eye roll. 

I sighed again, hoping to grab their attention, but they kept on arguing. "I don't want to cause any trouble. I know you're a bad ass. Do you want to know how I know you're bad ass? You ride a Razor scooter. Nothing says 'I'm a bad ass' like a Razor scooter." At that remark, Jake pushed Ryder in the chest. Ryder stumbled backwards and threw his bag to the ground.

"Guys," I tried to interject, but they ignored me and continued shoving each other. "Guys! Please? Don't do this." I shouted, but they continued to fight, Ryder hitting Jake in the chin "This is stupid! Stop!" I yelled even louder just as Finn came around the corner. Oh, thank God! Maybe someone sane.

Finn rushed up to the three of us and shouted, "Hey! Hey! Cut it out!" Finn tried to pull them apart but they just continued to hit each other, throwing each other against the lockers. 

"Stop it!" I backed up into the locker, trying not to get hit by their wild throws and punches. I was so angry with the both of them - I couldn't believe they'd be this petty. 

Tina ran up to us dressed as the superhero she had designed, Asian Persuasion. "I persuade you to stop fighting immediately!" She shouted, posing

Then Becky, Coach Sylvester's assistant, came up to us and shouted, "Freeze, bitches!" She held a bubble blower up to the two boys. They stopped hitting each other to stare at Becky. Who knew a bubble blower had the power to stop two teenage boys from fighting each other?

"What the hell is going on?" Finn asked, looking at me, Jake, and then Ryder.

"Nothing." The boys mumbled. They were trying to cover up the fact they were actually fighting over me. They gave each other an evil eye and walked in opposite directions. Finn stood clueless and looked at me. I didn't know what to do, so I just shrugged. 

Finn shrugged right back at me, smiled, and then walked away with his head held high. I guess he truly felt like a responsible member of authority having stopped a fight like that. 

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