Panic Attacks (W. Maximoff)

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Strucker's experiments had failed. For the most part. Only three people had survived. A pair of twins and a girl that was a year younger than them. The twins, Wanda and Pietro, had volunteered while the girl, Y/N, was taken by force. She had come a little bit after the twins and Wanda had felt a connection with the girl.

After the fall of Sokovia, the Avengers had taken in both the twins and Y/N. Wanda had refused to go with the group unless Y/N got to come with them. The three had fit in quite well at the compound. Y/N shared a room with Wanda and the two were doing great. Until it all came crashing down one day.

Y/N was walking down the street one day when she felt a presence behind her. She looked behind her to see a man staring at her. She turned and sped up her walk before a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into an alley. She tried to scream but a hand was placed over her mouth before she could get a sound out.

She tried to fight against the man but he was too strong for her. He pulled out his walkie talkie. "I got her. Bring the van around."

Wanda was sitting in the living area in the compound when a flood of fear ran through her. She froze when she realized that the fear was coming from Y/N. She shot to her feet and ran to where the others were.

"Y/N is in trouble."

Y/N woke up tied to a chair. She was in pain. Her nose was broken, her ribs ached, her wrists burned from the rope. She had tears running down her face. A door opened and Strucker himself walked in. "Ah, Y/N. It's nice to see you again my child." Y/N struggled against her restraints as the man walked towards her. "You and the twins thought you could get away from me? Well, you were wrong. Now that I have you, it will be a walk in the park to get the twins again."

Y/N's eyes widened. Just the thought of something happening to Wanda and Pietro made her mind go into a frenzy. She struggled harder against her restraints as the man laughed at her struggle. "Too bad you won't be able to see it come to fruition." He turned and grabbed a syringe filled with a green liquid.

Before he could get anywhere close to Y/N, a red burst of light and energy exploded through the door, blasting Strucker to the other side of the room.

Y/N had tears of relief run down her face at the sight of an angry Wanda coming through the door. She looked around the room, her face softening when she saw Y/N.

Her heart broke at how small and scared Y/N looked. She ran over and took the rope off of Y/N's wrist. Pietro sped in and looked at his sister. Y/N was trembling in Wanda's arms as the girl held her tight.

"Shhh, baby. I'm here now. No one is going to hurt you. You're okay. You're safe." Y/N buried her face into Wanda's chest. Strucker made a move to get up but Pietro beat him to it and held him back. Wanda made a move to get up to hurt the man but Y/N had a tight grip on Wanda's shirt.

"Mom, please stay. I-I don't want you getting hurt." Wanda froze at Y/N calling her mom. That shock quickly wore off when Y/N began hyperventilating. "Y/N baby, calm down. You're having a panic attack."

Y/N panicked even more as Wanda gently cupped her face. "Y/N, малышка, look at me." Y/N looked at Wanda with tears running down her face. "Breath with me. In and out. In and out."

Y/N began to get her breathing under control with Wanda's help. She became a shaky mess in Wanda's arms. The witch scooped her up effortlessly. "Let's get you home."

Back at the compound, Wanda laid in her bed with Y/N in her arms. The girl was asleep as Wanda gently ran her fingers up and down the girl's back. She thought back to what Y/N had called her earlier.

She never saw herself as a motherly figure to Y/N. She always thought Natasha was more of a motherly figure to the girl. But now that the revelation has been brought to her attention, it makes her heart flutter.

Y/N unconsciously snuggled closer to the older girl and mumbled. Wanda used her magic to put pleasant images in the girls mind as she calmed and relaxed once again.

As she watched the girl sleep, she thought to talk to the girl about adopting her when she woke up. Maybe then Wanda could have the family she dreamed of.

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