Overworked (E. Olsen)

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Elizabeth rolled over to cold sheets once again. Sighing and sleepily opening her eyes, she looked over to see that it was 4 in the morning and that her girlfriend had still not come to bed. She groaned softly and rolled out of bed, grabbing a hoodie of her girlfriends and padded out of the room.

She walked into the living room to find her girlfriend still huddled over her laptop, just like she left her five hours ago. She sighed and walked over to the girl, wrapping her arms around her shoulder. "Baby, come to bed. You need to rest." 

Y/N sighed. She was currently studying to become a nurse so she had been working non stop. "Lizzie, I need to study for this final." Elizabeth kissed the girl's temple. "You can't focus if you don't rest, love." Y/N sighed, knowing Elizabeth was right. She reluctantly closed her laptop and stood, towering over Lizzie's tiny form. The girl smiled and buried her face in Y/N's chest. 

"Alright, come on sleepyhead. Let's go to bed." Lizzie hummed and allowed herself to be picked up by her girlfriend, finally going to get the rest they both deserved.

A couple days later, Elizabeth had invited Scarlett, Brie, and Letitia over for a girl's night. As they all sat on the couch sipping from wine glasses, the front door opened, revealing an exhausted Y/N. She walked in, shutting the door behind her, slipping off her shoes, and plopping onto the couch, laying her head in Lizzie's lap. The girls giggled at Y/N's behavior. "Long day, Y/N/N?" Scarlett asked. Y/N nodded from her place on the couch, moaning at the feeling of Elizabeth's fingers running through her hair.

"We were about to watch a movie baby, you can sleep if you want." Y/N nodded and drifted off, dreaming about her girl.

Y/N had a day off for the first time in what seemed to be forever. Unfortunately, Elizabeth had to work. So, Y/N decided to show Elizabeth how much she appreciated her.

Elizabeth came home to a trail of rose petals leading her to the dining room, where she found a hot plate of her favorite food and a note.

Hi baby!

I'm sure you're super tired and stuff so eat your dinner and then head upstairs to our bathroom where your next surprise will be waiting for you!

Elizabeth giggled at the note and sat down to eat her food. After she finished, she headed upstairs to their shared bathroom and found a hot bath waiting for her, complete with her favorite soap, candles and wine. On the counter sat her favorite hoodie of Y/N's with another note.

 Hi again!

I'm sure work has been strenuous for your body so go ahead and take your time in the bath okay? I even out essential oils and Epsom salts to help with the soreness. Before you get in the bath though, go ahead and put my hoodie in the towel warmer so its nice and cozy for ya! After you're done, head to the theater room for your final surprise!

Elizabeth read the note with tears in her eyes. She didn't know what she did to deserve someone as amazing as Y/N but she was damn grateful for it. 

After a good 45 minutes in the bath, she slipped Y/N's (now warm) hoodie on and headed to the theater room and gasped at the sight. 

Fairy lights were hung everywhere, all of her favorite snacks were all together and to top it off, her favorite person in the whole world was in the middle, putting the finishing touches on a pillow fort.

Y/N turned to see Elizabeth gaping at her masterpiece. "You like?" Instead of answering, Elizabeth launched herself into Y/N's arms, kissing her passionately. Y/N wrapped her arms around the shorter girls waist and held her tight. After a few minutes, the pair pulled away. 

Elizabeth smiled up at the girl she called the love of her life.

"I love."

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