Falling for the Boss (S. Johansson)

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A/N: I kinda went down the mob boss au route for this one, bear with me pls.

Scarlett felt like she couldn't catch a break. 

Here she was, at a club that she didn't know the name of, abandoned by Florence who had found herself a taker for the night. She felt uncomfortable at the amount of sleazy guys stating at her. One of the guys in question decided to make his presence known by sliding up next to her. 

"You come here often? I think I would have remembered a pretty face like yours." Scarlett scoffed. "It's none of your business whether or not I've been here before. So please, respectfully, fuck off." The guy sneered and went to advance on Scarlett when a voice from behind him spoke up.

"Do we have a problem?"

Scarlett and the guy both looked to see a woman in a tailored suit staring at the man with the iciest glare Scarlett had ever seen.

The guy scoffed. "We are trying to have a conversation. Now, if you'll excuse us." He turned back to Scarlett only for the woman to speak up again. "I wasn't talking to you, fuckwad. I was talking to her." Scarlett blushed as the woman's gaze softened as she turned to the woman. 

"Is he bothering you, doll?"

Scarlett felt a rush of heat flow downward at the nickname. She nodded. "Yes, he is actually." The woman nodded at Scarlett and waved a security guard over. "Please escort this man out of here and make sure he never shows his face in here again." The guard nodded and grabbed the man's arm, pulling him towards the exit.

"Wow, that was fast. Guess you must have a lot of pull here." The woman chuckled. "Well, when you own the club, that happens." Scarlett's jaw dropped. "You own the club?" The woman smiled at the blonde. "I do. Along with many others around the world." Scarlett nodded and sipped her drink. 

"I'm Scarlett. Scarlett Johansson." The woman smiled. "Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N." Scarlett froze. "Y/N Y/L/N?" Y/N chuckled. "I usually get that reaction. Yes. Y/N Y/L/N." Scarlett blushed. "I didn't mean that in a bad way. I was just surprised." Y/N shook her head and placed her hand over Scarlett's. "No harm, no foul, doll. It's okay." Scarlett visibly relaxed and looked down at her hand. 

Y/N noticed and quickly removed her hand. "I'm sorry." Scarlett shook her head. "No, I liked it." Y/N smiled and intertwined their hands. "Would you like to join me in my VIP area? It's a lot quieter over there." Scarlett nodded and allowed the woman to lead her to the more secluded area. 

A few drinks later, Scarlett was on Y/N's lap slowly grinding as the two made out. Y/N's calloused hands helped guide Scarlett's movements as the girl swallowed the blonde's moans.  Y/N pulled away as Scarlett began trailing wet kisses down the girl's neck. Y/N groaned. "Scarlett. Doll, I don't wanna do this if you're drunk. I don't want to take advantage of you." Scarlett pouted and stopped.

"Where is your friend you were talking about? I wanna make sure you get home safe." Scarlett shook her head. "I wanna go home with you. Please." Y/N sighed and looked at the blonde. "Okay."

Scarlett woke up the next morning with a killer headache. She groaned as she sat up, rubbing her eyes. She looked over to the nightstand and saw the glass of water and some aspirin with a note. She smiled and took the medicine while reading the note.


I went out to take care of some things. I'll be back no later than noon and I'll bring you lunch. If you need anything, let James know. He will be in the main living area. Wear anything you want out of my closet. 

See you soon,


Scarlett's heart fluttered at the thoughtfulness of the girl. She knew that she was falling for her. She walked over to the huge walk-in closet to find something to wear, settling on a pair of sweats and a plain white t-shirt, before heading downstairs.

After an hour of exploring, the front door opened revealing the person Scarlett had been wanting to see since she woke up. 

Y/N, dressed in another tailored suit, walked in with two bags from a local bistro, her phone tucked in between her ear and her shoulder. 

"I don't care what he wants Travis, tell him that the deal was ten thousand and if he doesn't pay up, I will literally have his head!" She put the bags down and hung up, sighing deeply. Scarlett could feel how tense she was from where she was standing and walked over to the girl.

She began to rub the girls shoulders, feeling her relax under her touch. "Hi, doll. Sorry you had to see that." Scarlett shook her head. "It's okay. I'm not scared or anything." Y/N smiled up at the blonde. 

"So, do you wanna eat and then I'll take you home?" Scarlett's heart cracked a little bit. She totally forgot about Florence and going home. Scarlett pouted and sat in the girl's lap. "I don't wanna leave. I know we only met last night but I am one hundred percent falling for you." 

Y/N smiled at the woman, rubbing her back. "The feeling is definitely mutual, sweetheart." Scarlett blushed at the nickname. "Are you sure you want to be with me though? I mean, I have been through two divorces and I have a kid and I'm sure you don't-" Scarlett was cut off by Y/N pressing her lips to hers. 

"I want you baby. All of you. I'm all in." Scarlett smiled and kissed Y/N once more before pulling away abruptly, much to Y/N's disapproval.

"Shit. I need to call Florence."

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