Hi everyone

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So, life update. Work has been kicking my ass lately so that's why I haven't been as active on here. Also, my computer has been giving me trouble but I just think it's because it's reaching it's life expectancy so I ordered a MacBook. It's supposed to get here on the 30th.

Mental health wise, I've been up and down. There's good days as much as there is bad days. I've been trying to stay strong and so far it's been working.

That being said, if you're still here following me and waiting for an update on this book or my Little Mix book, thank you. I really appreciate you.

As of now, the only two active books I have here is the Little Mix and the Marvel books. I don't know if I will get motivation to write for the other books (mainly glee) but we will see where it goes.

Thank you for sticking with me for this long. And if you want, you can send me some requests so I have things to start on.

Much love,



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