Awkward Crushes

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Wanda didn't know what to do.

She never experienced feelings like this before.

No books could help her with this.

It was certain, she was falling for Y/N Stark.

Y/N was a lot like her dad. Smart, charismatic, witty. She was also a lot more clumsy than her dad. On average, she tripped over air and things about 45 times a day. Luckily, Wanda was always there to catch her to prevent any major injuries.

Y/N was also an Avenger. She had a very similar suit to her dad's but green and silver instead of red and gold. One would think that the girl was less clumsy on missions but one would be wrong. The clumsiness gene increased tenfold when the girl was on missions. Her suit unfortunately didn't have an anti-clumsiness feature so Wanda also had to worry about self inflicted injuries with Y/N.

Y/N was also struggling with her feelings for the redhead. She always got flustered around her and nine times out of ten, embarrassed herself. (Natasha had video evidence of said instances, but kept them for blackmail.) Wanda thought Y/N getting all embarrassed was completely adorable. Y/N didn't know how to control their awkwardness around the Sokovian. Tony was beginning to notice as well. He would always tease his daughter when she was around the witch.

Y/N decided one day, enough was enough.

She was going to confront the girl about her feelings and lay everything out on the table. Was she nervous? Absolutely. But nothing was going to stop her from doing this.

Well, maybe one thing.

A synthezoid made by her father and uncle that goes by the name of Vision.

You see, Vision and Wanda were connected by the mind stone and had a somewhat special connection. A connection that Y/N felt like she couldn't compete with. So when she saw Vision and Wanda getting all snuggly in the kitchen, her heart splintered. The confidence she had going into the kitchen faded as she quickly turned on her heel and sped back to her room.

"Thanks for helping me make this meal for Y/N, Vision. It means a lot." Vision smiled at the redhead. "Anything to help love. And any cooking lesson I can get, I'll take." Wanda giggled. As she went to plate the paprikash, she saw Y/N speed past her, obviously avoiding eye contact. "Y/N/N?" Y/N stopped abruptly and turned to face the girl. Wanda could see that Y/N had been crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Y/N shook her head. "It's nothing. Listen, I gotta get to my lab, I have stuff to do." She turned back around and headed down to her personal lab. Wanda frowned. Looks like dinner would have to wait. She went to the one person who she knew could help her.


Y/N sat in her lab looking over schematics to upgrade her suit when FRIDAY alerted her that Wanda was at the door, asking for entry. Y/N sighed and looked at the clock, noticing it was well after midnight. Granting the witch access, she turned back to her blueprints.

Wanda strolled in and stood in front of Y/N's desk. "We need to talk." Y/N sighed. "There's nothing to talk about, Wanda." The witch sat herself down on the younger Stark's lap. "There's plenty to talk about." She ran her fingers through Y/N's hair. Y/N sighed at the soothing feeling. "Like?" Wanda kissed Y/N's forehead. "Like how we have been oblivious idiots in love with each other and haven't told each other."

Y/N froze. Did she hear right? Wanda Maximoff was in love with her? "Yes. I'm in love with you, you adorable idiot." Y/N was speechless as the Sokovian giggled. "I'm going to kiss you now. Is that alright?" Y/N nodded dumbly as Wanda pressed her lips onto the girl's in a soft kiss.

Sparks flew as the pair continued kissing. After a while, Wanda pulled away to see Y/N's eyes still closed and a goofy smile on her face. The witch giggled and peppered kisses all over the girl's face. "Now, it's late, I'm tired and I'm sure you are too, so let's go to bed and cuddle and go out to breakfast in the morning." Y/N nodded and allowed the girl to lead her to her room.

Once in Wanda's room, the pair laid in bed looking at each other lovingly. "I can't believe this is actually happening." Wanda giggled. "It's happening baby. I'm finally yours." Y/N sighed dreamily and pulled the witch closer in her embrace.

"I love you Wanda Maximoff."

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