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AN: I know, me again, but this is going to be Stiles after being brainwashed by Hydra, and he is getting flashbacks of the maze, and the pack. And everything will be written from Stiles' POV.

Flashback 1:

I was walking off the field after lacrosse practice, when suddenly I am pushed to the ground roughly. I look up and see Isaac. 

"What the hell are you doing man?", I ask as I am getting up. "You know what that is for you murderer!", Issac yells. He pushes me down again and kicks me a couple of time. Sadly, this is not a rare occurrence anymore. All of the pack have been pushing me away, and sometimes Issac would get outbursts of hatred towards me because of the nogitsune. They still blame me, and when I get home, I can't look my dad in the eyes because every time I do, they are filled with hatred, and disappointment. I am constantly hating myself for what I did, and no one cares.

¨Come on Issac, we have to go to the pack meeting.¨, said my best friend Scott McCall. He looked down at me with distrust and spite. I hated it. 

Time skip

One New Text

Scotty Boyyy: Hey bro we have a pack meeting at 6:30, be there.

Me: kk

It was 6:00 now, I have time to get ready.

I drive to the loft, wondering why I was invited, because I am never invited to pack meetings unless it is to research a new ¨big bad¨. 

I pull up to the loft and climb out of my car, to go up to the loft. I walk in and all of the talking stops. They all look at me, and I feel extremely out of place. 

¨Stiles, we have an important matter to discuss.¨, Derick said

¨Ok, what's up? Is there a new threat or something?¨ I asked ¨No, Stiles, we have come to the decision as a pack, to kick you out of the pack.¨ 

I honestly don't know why I didn't see this coming, and no one looks even remotely sad, so I can tell that they all agreed to this. 

¨Okay. I don't know why I was expecting anything more from you guys. I mean you have been pushing me away, you never ask how I am, or sit with me at lunch. None of you even ask if I was okay after the nogitsune! All you ever focused on was your hatred for what I did, even though none of it was my fault. I couldn't control what I was doing.¨ I said, as my voice gradually got louder, ¨Do any of you know what it is like to see through your own eyes, but have no control over your actions? Do you understand how hard I had to fight it to keep going? Do you know the strength it takes to not take all the pain away and just end it?! No you don't otherwise I doubt you would be abandoning your friend in their largest time of need. I have never been anything but a good friend to you Scott, but now I realize it was only ever one-sided.¨

I saw that everyone was semi-surprised by my news, no one expected happy, fun loving, hyperactive spaz, Stiles Stilinski,  to be suicidal. 

¨I am leaving, from here on out don't talk to me, and don't contact me.¨

Stiles walked out of there and headed home.

Time Skip

Stiles arrived home, and decided to leave this horrible fucking town. He packed his bags, and headed to go live in New York. Where else to go to get a new start besides the big apple?

Flashback 2

Stiles was driving out of Beacon Hills, when suddenly his car is hit by a pick up truck. The old jeep flips over, and Stiles hits his head. He is trying to get out of the car, when suddenly a man appears next to him. He injects Stiles with something, and Stiles himself getting tired. Before he can completely pass out, he hears the man say,¨Hail Hydra.¨

Flashback 3

After Thomas stabbed Newt, he started having a panic attack. He couldn't breath, and he started remembering things, different memories than the time he stung himself with a griever stinger.

¨I define it as reclining your body in a horizontal position¨

¨You can kill the oni, but me? ME! I AM A THOUSAND YEARS OLD, YOU CAN'T KILL ME!¨


¨No, Stiles, we have come to the decision as a pack, to kick you out of the pack.¨ 

¨Hail Hydra¨

Thomas was freaking out. Was this his life before WCKED? All of  these memories were running through his brain but they were scattered, and he couldn't put them together, and there were some spots, that he couldn't see. 

All of a sudden, a bunch of random people dressed in black surrounded Thomas, or Stiles?  They shot him with something, and suddenly he felt extremely drowsy. 

¨Hail Hydra¨

Flashback 4 (I don't know any fucking language besides english so bear with me)

Mitch was training, when a superior came up to him, ¨Soldat¨ Mitch stood up straight, and turned around, his eyes expressionless, and his built body out of breath. 

(Pretend they are talking in russian?)

¨Yes Commander?¨

¨Doctor needs you for testing¨

Mitch walked to the testing rooms, and sat down to the chair. 

¨Today we will be trying to amplify the nogitsune inside you, but this time he will be in control.¨

Nogitsune? Why did that word sound familiar. All of a sudden voices, and faces flashed through his head. He started freaking out, trying to get out of the chair, but somehow he was tied to the chair. The people in the room started injecting him with strange liquids, but one liquid he could never take his eyes off of was the black sludge in one of the tubes. As the tube emptied, he saw his reflection in the glass, and what he saw terrified him. Black eyes, darker than a bottomless pit. Then he passed out. 

Fifth and Final Flashback

Mitch was training, when he was addressed by one of his superiors. 

¨Soldat, you have a mission¨ , the commander handed him a file. 

Mitch opened the file and read, 

Classified Mission

Target: The Winter Soldier

AKA: James Buchanan Barnes


Specifics: Specialized Metal Arm, Super Soldier Serum, High IQ, Specially Trained in Hand to hand combat, sniper

Level 13 Field Agent

As Mitch read he was somewhat impressed. Stiles was a Level 13 field agent, and had the super soldier serum as well, he also had control of a demon in his head, called the nogitsune. He was trained in 11 different hand to hand combats, and had special training in most guns. Now he had to kill this man who was so similar to him for a reason he did not know.


¨Ready to Comply¨

AN: Ok! We are done with the first chapter, so I hope you like it! Constructive Criticism is very much welcomed. Reminder that I own none of the characters, and that they are from the shows Teen Wolf, and the move Captain America: Civil War. I will probably be going along with the rest of canon for the avengers, but maybe not, we'll see how this goes.

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