Fighting The Avengers

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Stiles is running next to Sam and James in the airport. 

"What the hell is that?" 

Stiles looks over at the window at James' question.

"Everybody's got a gimmick now"

Suddenly the person swings and breaks the glass and kicks Sam down, Bucky tries to punch them but they catch it. 

"Wow, you have a metal arm? Sick.", The now identifiable boy said in aw. As he was distracted Stiles knocked him off of his feet and put an foot on his chest.

"How old are you kid?"

"How old are you gramps?" the spider-kid says as he takes advantage of the moment to flip Stiles and catch up to James and Sam. As they are running and trying to catch up, Stiles flips himself up and looks to see where they are. He sees them and teleports to them in a cloud of black. 

"That's new", said James

"Yeah... we'll talk later", said Stiles 

As they are talking the kid trips them and webs them to the floor.

"Listen, I'm sorry guys but I only have one job today and I really have to impress Mr. Stark an- ahh!"

"You couldn't have done that earlier?"

"I hate you"

Stiles just forms some weapons that are pure black and cuts himself out of the webbing. 

"He called me gramps."


"What are we gonna do Captain?"

"We fight."

"Yeah, that's smart", said Stiles under his breath and James gave him a look. 

The two groups of fighters ran towards each other. Captain had Iron Man, Bucky and Stiles had T'Challa, and the rest of the two groups fought. 

"I didn't kill your father."

"Then why did you run"

"Oh I don't know maybe because he had been framed for a terrorist attack and had multiple different governments on his ass?", said an annoyed Stiles.

They continued to fight with the two former assassins overpowering the vengeful king. T'challa suddenly gets a hit on James and goes to scratch his throat. As he attempts, there are black ropes forming and restraining T'challa. They both look to Stiles who's eyes are black and ropes are coming from the shadows. James and Stiles leave T'challa struggling to get out, and run to Steve who lays out the plan to get to the hangar. As they are running, Vision shoots beams of some sort out of his forehead and cut a tower down, causing it to fall. As it is falling, Stiles uses magic to keep it from falling and everyone looks at him in some state of shock. Some because they don't know him, some because they don't know the extent of his powers, and some because he is hot as fuck.

"What the hell is he?", says a very annoyed Tony Stark

Wanda suddenly takes over and tells them to go, as they reach the hangar, they see a redhead, Black Widow? They go over to her and Steve takes initiative to convince her to let them go. She eventually lets them go but gives Stiles a questioning look. Stiles looks at her incredulously, silently asking "What did I do?". Eventually they get on the jet, and Rhodey tries to attack it, but Sam hits him down and he crashes. After which they leave the airport, set the jet on auto-pilot, and rest for a few minutes. 

Breaking the silence, James says, "We gotta talk."

A/N: Really trying to make it up to you guys, so I am trying to update like crazy, sorry if it seems rushed, bc I was watching the clips from Youtube and writing simultaneously which was a struggle so... Sry if there are more mistakes than usual lol. :)

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