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AN:Things are being written in a 3 person/ Stiles pov sooo things will switch off.

Stiles stood up straight, and stuck his hand out to shake. 

¨Stiles Stilinski?¨ He asked looking at Bucky while shaking Steve's hand. Bucky just nodded in confirmation. ¨Stiles Stilinski.¨ He said with more confidence. 

¨Well Stiles, here's what's happening.¨

Stiles listened intently with a serious stare to what Steve was telling him, with an occasional sarcastic comment from Sam. From what he understands, Bucky was framed for bombing the UN, and there are these things called the Sokovian Accords that took away the Avengers' rights to fight in what they need to unless they got the ¨ok¨ from the government, those are tearing apart the Avengers because some want to sign, but others do not. Half of the Avengers have to arrest Steve, Sam, Bucky, and any of the others who are helping Bucky. 

After Steve explained what happened he asked Stiles, ¨So Stiles. Are you in?¨

Stiles gave Bucky a look that said 'can they be trusted?' and Bucky gave him a quick and unnoticable nod. 

 ¨Yeah, I'm in. ¨

Steve left the room to call Clint and form a plan, while Sam left to get the car ready. 

¨Hey Bucky?¨ Stiles didn't wait for him to respond. ¨What year is it?¨

Bucky softly chuckled and responded, ¨2016¨

Stiles' eyes bulged, ¨So, I am....¨ He started thinking, ¨28 years old?¨

¨That sounds about right.¨

Steve, walked in and said that Clint would pick up a woman named Wanda, and a man named Scott Lang and we would meet them at an airport in Germany.

Before that though, Steve had to pick up his uniform, and Sam's wings? Stiles is confused by what he means, but when he sees them he understands what they meant. 

When they get out of the car at the airport they see who Stiles assumed was Clint and Wanda, but not Scott. Steve greets Clint, and Clint opens the back of the van to reveal a sleeping Scott Lang. On the way here Stiles read everyone's file to get a quick understanding on who would be the easiest to take down, to the hardest to take down. The hardest to take down looked like the man called Vision. He has an undefined amount of power, and his fullest capabilities have yet to be reached. The easiest person to take down looked like a man named Rhodey, aka War Machine. His only real strength is the suit that billionaire Tony Stark built for him. 

They started to suit up, when Steve pulled Bucky to the side. ¨Hey Bucky, I know this is a stupid question, but can we trust him?¨

¨Who Steve, Stiles?¨ Bucky asked in disbelief. ¨Yeah¨ he responded, ¨Of course he is, Stiles is the most trustworthy and loyal person you will ever meet. It's just everything has just changed so suddenly for him, and he is still remembering. He just needs some time to get to know you guys. After that he will be the most loyal and caring person you will ever meet.¨

¨Ok Bucky, I am trusting what you say, but you have to realize what he does is on you, he is your responsibility.¨

"Yeah, I know", Bucky says with a solemn face. 

A/N: Alright! There it is, up next we have the fight scene at the airport, the flight to the base, the fight scene at the base, then we are on to either some pack scenes, maybe some Spider-Man, or straight to Infinity War.  That seems kind of fast though so I might throw some more fandoms in here for the in between of Civil War and Infinity War? Recommendations are welcome :)

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