midoria pov:

I keep think about what happened at the sports fejostivilil. More spesifelcy, I cant stop thing about him.

"Its your power" I yelled. Why, he had just decidered war on me or something and now I was helping him win our fight.

I was so stupid but I would help it. even though I dont know much just yet, I do know that endure is a very bad person and should not be called the #2 hero.

None of that matters though. so long as I can become a hero I can help people. Even if there are a few bad peaple, at the end of they day they still help people who are in trouble and most hero's are just as amazing with out the mask as with it.

"Hey deku, to you want to hang out after School today?" Asks ururaka,

"Oh um sure ururaka"I was, I think I might like her but im not quite sure, you see the thing is that I cant seem to think straight around her, im always worried about messing up plus I always want to hang out with her. So you'd think it obtuse, yeah I like her what's the problem? Well im the same way around a sertan dewl coloured boy, speaking of whom

"Hey todoyki do you want to join us?" uriraka calls

He look from ururaka to me to ururaka dn then shrugs "ok" he says

(Time skip to after school bc im lazing)

He all head out for ice cream, I get I scoop of vinyl and one scoop of raspberry 'dang it' I think 'it looks like todoyki's hair'

"Present mic's English exam was brutal" ururaka says sighing

"I thought it was very educational" recline ida moving his hands like a robot

"At least be did have to learn and perform a song this time, that was truly horrible" todoroki chuckles

"But you where so good at singing" I say, he was good, I mean REALLY good at singing

"Yeah" uruaka agrees "omg look at the time, its getting late, see you guys at school"

"yes. We should all be well rested for tomorrow" ida says as he leaves

(Yes they did pay)

"Hey midoria, do you want to walk home together, its in the same direction form here"

My face stars to heat up

"Oh um yeah that sounds great"

We walk together in confterbull silence until me reach my house. Todoroki walks uo the stars to my apterment with me. When me get there my mum opens the door to let me in, her eyes widen the moment she sees todoroki. Oh no, I think to my self. You see, I tell my mum everything so she know that I think I might like todoroki.

"Oh you must be Todoroki ive hard so much about from izuku, why dont you come in and have some thing to drink" she offers or should I say insist

"Ok that should be fine so long as I dont say too long"

We sit on a sofa as mum gets us some tea.

"Your mum is nice" the motley collared boy stated matter of factly

"Thanks I guess"

"You r quite lucky you know"

I was about to respond when his phone starts ringing, he chat to see who it is and is face darkens

"Hello father" he says coldly


I hear endeavour's voice boom thought todoroki's phone

*crash* I look over to see that my mum dropped th cups she was holding

"I dont know who you where talking to on the phone and quite frankly I dont care, you are not going back to them"

With that she goes to find todoroki some cloths and a masters to sleep on.

"Do you want tk go in my room?" I ask hesitantly

I dont even bother to be inbaressed by my all high comelction as I sit todoroki down on the bead

(I dont know what actually happens so im going to go with this)

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask, he looks as me earnestly

"I think that would be nice"

He starts at the very start

"One of my earliest memories was of my father training my eldest brother Toya, then once he had past out, my father set his eyes on me, a child who had not yet developed there quirk, and he started throwing balls of fire at me. I tried to run away from then but ends up tripping and burning my skin. Thankfully the burns wont too bad so I dont have any scaring from my training. This same rooteen started to become common practise, every day I would watch as my father beat Toya to a pulp and then he would fight me, sometimes he would fisecly spar me even though I was barely 2 years old. One day I think I just snapped, my father was fighting me with his flames and I wouldn't get out of the way intime so I cerated a wall of ice to hide behind, with made him anygree beach I already have 2 ice using siblings, so he melted the ice and tacked me even more ishuly, this time I created a wall of fire. With over joyed my father.

A short while after thi, many a few moths's, my brother brother left the training room with horribly scared skin and a stapler in hand

'Dont worry about me shoot, ill be just fine. Remember that I love you and are brother and sister as well' and with that he burned him self out of the family portrait with a blue flame and he ran.

Once he left my beating started getting worse and worse.

one day I here'd my mother one the phone, she was saying 'everyday they children become more and more like him, aspeshaly shoot, that child left side if horrific'and with that she threw boiling water on my face. After that my father had her Locked up in a mental asylum. 'Do you still want to be a hero' she's said to me after one of my father particular bad beating 'of course' I'd said as smiled at her"

He tuched his skas sally, he looked like he was about to cry at this point.

I moved closer to him and wrapped one arm around his shoaled to try and comfort him, he amicably Puy his mace into the crook of my neck and he finally cried

Todoroki pov:

I wouldn't take it anymore, after reliving all of it at once, when madoria pulled my into his arms. I broke now, I couldn't have kept it together even if I wanted too.

I cried and I cried and when I finally called down I didn't feel any better, they say crying make you feel better but it really doesnt.

What it does do it tier you out. I felt my body say as I helped into a seamless sleep

Midoria pov:

The next day

Then I woke up I was cuddled up next totodorki, with that all of last night came rushing back to me, how horrible end ever really was to his family really started to sink in. I checked the time: 7:30. It was a week end today to I denied to let todoroki sleep and go for a run

I ran, mostly just to get all my energy out, without any particular destion in mind.

My mind was raising, was there a way to protect todoroki, could he go back to end ever who was still is legal guardian. What ever happened to Toya, todorki's older broth- *oof*

I had just run into someone, I look up tp see a tall man with black hair and bright blue eyes, but mostly notably of all, burnt flesh.


They got what what they deserved (vilain deku tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now