Still Bakugou's pov:

"Your just being paranoid" the voice I my ear said

"Who's side are you on? One day agree with me and others you just fuck with me" I yell

"I'm on your side kachan" the thing says

"Who are you and what do you want from me?!?" I yell louder

"You already know the answer to that" it says mockingly

"Shut up!!!"

"Your the one that asked the question"well you didn't answer" when the voice did respond I decided to get read for the day

Sitting in izawa's class I start to zone out. I already know all of this anyway

""Sorry I didn't say anything before, I forgot you existed for a quick second and then I just couldn't be bothered" dnt l be bothered" the voice in my ears musses to its self

"I just couldnt l be bothered" deku laughs from across the room, he's talking to the rest of the dekusquad

"Same though" ururaka joins in

"You know you guys should really do something about this asingmet, even if it isnt about heroing" iida says, with his dumb fucking robot arms

(Panic attack)

Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault Its my fault. "Wait what's my fault?" I mouth

"EVERYTHING" the voice screeches

Its my fault Its my fault its..........

I start hipervetalatinge

"No, no, no stop please stop." I mutter

"Never"the voice says

"Fuck! Shut up!!!" I dont know if im yelling

"Hahahhahahahha" its the same laugh

"Kachan, look what you've done" the voice just keep laughing

"No, no, stop leave me alone."

(Panic attack kind if over)

Midoria pov:

"No, no, no stop please stop." Kachan mutters. I protein don't to hear, but he's quite loud

"Fuck! Shut up!!!" Ah me must be talking to toga.

"No, no, stop leave me alone." He sounds week. No surprise after what fun I had lest night

"What's wrong with kachan?" I ask worriedly

"Can someone please bring him to the imferary, umm midoria, your responsible"

"Ok mr Izawa" I say helping bakugou walk. I bet if he could see or hear probably then he wouldn't be this close to me

"NO! FUCK NO!" He yells as he see's who's crying him

"Come on kachan" I say evil into his ear

Once recovery girl says him down on the bed he passes out

"It seems he was having ptsd relayed flash backs" recovery gir says to me

"He seemed to be scared of me" I mummer so that she can hear me

"He must have mistaken you for one of the villains. Probably one of the ones who hurt him badly" she explains

They got what what they deserved (vilain deku tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now