Todoroki pov:

Somethings wrong with midoria, he and I have become even more close (which im not mad about). I found out that he doesnt know how is father is, just how badly he was treated my bakugou when they where kids, that he was quirkless for most of his life and smaller things like is favouret shops, where go goes when he needs space ect. He seems to be loosing it. I dont know what it is but I do know that something is slowly chipping away at him and its scaring me.

"Hey midoria, instead of going to see Toya so you want to go to the park?" I ask him one day after class

"Sure, there is only so many time I can watch hawks and shigaraki fight over dabi ya know" he laughs, it the cutest thing ive ever seen

We walk there mostly just talking about all the drama the goes on both at school and with the LOV (but we dont call to that, we just call it Toya and his gang)

"-and then kiri stating yelling at kackan, but he didn't rilles that kackan had taking his hearing aids out" we both start laughing as we sit down on a beach in the secluded part of the park.

"I need to ask you some thing, well a few thing actually"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Are you ok"

"Uh well you know ummm" he starts to fumble with his words

"No lies remember"

"Right sorry. I just dont know any more. I- I want to help people but I dont think that being a hero is the best way to do that. If I do ill just be filing the system that help protect people like endever and the people who raised hawks. No I should say that, this people are just a small part of a large group of great people. But everyone want to become a hero for the fame and glory or the money of because there family want them too, one want to help people anymore. ITS JUST NOT RIGHT. A HERO SHOULD WANT TO HELP PEOPLE NO MATER RHOW MUCH THEY GET PAYED" he stars yelling

"Hey, its ok, you dont have to make up your mind right away" I say pulling him in close to me, this would be very awkward if it was anyone else but with him it becoming almost second nature. He'll get up sent (wether that sad or angry) and ill just hold him until he calms down. Im not great with words and he isn't in a state of mind where he's going to listen to me anyway.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I ask, not know what els hot say

We walk in a precfull silence for a while, just enjoying each other cumporny. I wonder what we are now midoria said we weren't dating but we cuddle and go on dates all the time. Plus me spend every day hanging out with each other. I guess I would ask him.

"Hey midoria, what are we?"

"Well that was blunt" he mutters. How else was I going to get my point across (im modelling a lot of Shoto's thoughts after my own)

"What do you want to be?" he responds

"Can I?" he nods as I go to kiss him

"Heeyyy deku~kun" agin, how could she have such bad timing

Ururaka POV:

Where was he??? Deku had been hanging out with todoroki a lot recently and I was starting to worry. What where they doing? After I saw then in the class room I started to suspect that they where dating but since then it has seemed purely platonic that was until now.

I see a tuff of bouncing green hair, that must be him. When I round the corner I see Todoroki and deku~kun about to kiss. Wait what!?!?

"Heeyyy deku~kun" I say right before their lips meat. '

They got what what they deserved (vilain deku tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now