Todoroki pov:

"Toya" I say into the phone

"Yeah wat" he respond nochaolnly


"Father?" He guesses

"Yeah....." I say respond

Kill him the voice says

"That fucker. He should burn in hell. A hell of my flame would be nice"

That what ive been saying



"Shit, he's getting angrier" toya coments

"Guess he is" I muse.

he should burn in hell, like toya said, but with my flames of not?

The next day I limp dorms, meeting izuku on the way there

"Are you ok??" He asks worriedly, no matter how much of a villain he becomes he will alway care about people, that something that will never change

"Yeah, but I was thinking..... you know what never mind" I dont want him to kill endeavour for me, that will just make him more likely to be captured.

"No secrets remeber"

"I was thinking about my father dieing that's all" I say

"He is a scumbag who should burn" wow, he's mad. From the look in his eyes I can tell he want to kill my father

"but I'll leave that to you and your brother, after all he's not mine to kill"

I can see it now, my father's look of sheer fear and confusion as I light the ground around in on fire. Watching as he scream the way I do, they way my brother used to is will be buetfull.

No, I cant hurt my own father yes you can, he's abusive no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes yes yes


"Should I?" I ask

"It's your choices to make. If I where you I'd ask your brother" he suggest

"I kinda already have but he said to burn our father"

"Like I said it's your choice" he say. Just then his phone rings

Midoria POV:

I pick up my phone, seeing that it's my mum I answer

"Hey mum what up?" I ask

"Izuku money, some strange man just showed up at our house. He has guns for hands and is asking we're you are. He has a hero commotion id card, do you know who he is?"

"Hand him over ok, and stay calm no matter what happens"

"Hella" the man says "I'm here to help you help the wrd. We at the hero Commission understand that you are a troubled kid but we're to help"

"Ok but just leave my mum alone"I say as calmly as I can. I feel a warm hand on my shoulder

"Like I said, you just have to hand your self in" he says "of and I would tell her what you do in your free time so that she doesn't find out the hard way if you know what I mean"

"I'll be right round"

"Oh and you can't bring your partner in crime as they would say, he's not under arest. Given the he just watch so instead he'll pay a helfy fine"

They got what what they deserved (vilain deku tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now