"Hiya kids" hawks greats

"Hy hawks" I responded

"Heeeeeey beautiful murderer" toga says, I just pretend not to here her

"Why did we need to bring so kind of villain suit or what ever u call it." Shoto says

"Why was its hard to get?" Toya asks

"No, a friend of mine will make anything I ask her to do I just told her to make a villain suit for me and shoto and so she did (in one night I might add)" I really am thankfull for Mai not questioning. She just did what I asked bc she likes making things

"Just drop your bags over there" shigaraki points yo a confer of the bar

"Anyway. What have you 2 been up to. We haven't see you in almost a full week" not since bakugou, I think to my self

"Well toga's doing her job perfectly" I say

"It's kind of nice know that he won't hurt me anymore. And taht Manet he's feeling some of the fear that I felt everyday for the last 12 years. It's seems only fair you know?" Davis eye light up just just shoots had the other day. They where both think the same thing but this time I did even say endeavour to get Dabi to have the same thought.

"Wow kid, never new you had it in you" Hawks says looking up from his phone. I must have looked confused bc he clarified "I just say a video of what you did to bakugou"

"Oh" I want ashamed per say but I also want proud that was me

"Anyway what did your friend make for the 2 of you?" Toya ask

Me go and chang is a small room off the side

I walk out and see shoto in an all black 3 pice suit with black Glove on his right hand bit a tie taht machetes his hair, cuflincks that match his eyes and the glove on his left hand is red like his scar

Mine suit is similar but my tie and cuflincks are green.

He hunts me from he hind "you look great love" I blush furiously "now drop the mask"

How did he notice? "You too" as I said taht I saw the flame of hatered fill his eyes with time

With nothing holding it back. I see my reflection in a glass. I have a sphicotic look about me, smiling lick a maniac and death in my eyes

"Well you guys sure look the part now" shigaraki coments

"Any way, you video inspired me" hawks starts "to get revenge on the child hero training core in the hero commition. He shows up a picture or a lady who looks to be Middle Ages with blond hair pulled back into a bun and a red hand

"Her quirk is pain. She make you fell all the pain your inflicting on her so be careful. She has to touch you with her red hand first. Bring her back here alive. You can do what you want with her but I need be able to be the one to kill her" great. With will be fun

We go to the spot hawks indicated she would be after work and as he said. There she was

"Yeah, I can train the next kid you get it. I haven't done much since bird brain" well taht setals it. She need to die

We're alone in this treat which is perfect. I go up behind her and pull her to a choke hold. I then nock her out before she can activate her quirk. We bring her back to the bar

"How much do you want to do?" Shoto asks hawks

"I just want to kill her. You can do what ever you want"

They got what what they deserved (vilain deku tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now