sorry i havent updated in a while. i still wanna die

This is a time skip btw

Ururaka POV:

Ingemiam (Iida) and I decide to go on patroll to day, to catch up and get away from the the noise of the agency, iida and I are both working at what used to be his brothers agency, one of tenses old side side kicks took over when he retired and she (the former side kick) was so happy when Iida decided to come work for her. Sadly though we have been on seprat mission consistently since we joined.

"Gravity! I haven't see you in ages" Iida calls out, as he walks over to me

"Graduation wasn't that long ago was it?" I ask

"Still, it odd not seeing you every day, by the way how are things with sue- I mean froppy?"

"Good, we're thinking if getting married soon. how about you? Have you met anyone?"

"No, though I dont know if I want to you know"

"I get that"

We talk as we walk around the city, looking for villains. The city's have been alive with crime and thus heros since allmights retirement, and then enevoures death. Since deku left us.

"Hey Iida?" I turn to my taller freind, he grew a lot during 2 year and now towers over me even more, honestly though all boys grew so much it was kinda scary.


"Do you ever think about deku and todoroki? Where they are now, if they're still together?"

"We know where they are, almost every night when we turn on the tv, we know where they are and what they are doing" he points out

"I know, but I want to know what's really happening, not just who they're killing and who thought they saw deku"
"they're villains, ururaka. As much as we all miss them we cant excuse that they are murderers" Iida says as we turn down an alley way

"I just want to go back to before, before they left, back when they where good people"

"You say that like hero's are good people" we here someone say, in an instant ida and I where being held against a wall

"D-DEKU?!" I yell

"MIDORIA!?" Iida says, in the same tone

"Ururaka! Iida!" Deku says mockingly

"Im here too you know" todoroki says matter-of-fact-ly

"What's do you want, you villains" Iida asks

"Well you are pro heros now, and quite frankly we dont want to get arrested" deku laughs

"If you turn your self in then many we can pardon you. say that you where brain washed?" I know im grasping at straws but I try

"Yeah! You could get a job! Doing something to help society, isnt that what you always wanted midoria" Iida adds on, understanding what I was trying to say

"Your a few years to late for that im afraid" deku teases

"I dont think I ever liked hero's my self, this was always my path" todoroki says, tightening his grip on Iida so he cant get away

A servilain walk into the ally way, probably lost

"Hey has any o-" deku throws a knife at him, he falls to the ground. Dead.

"Now what where you saying? Oh yes, we should turn our selfs in. How about no" deku sneers in my ear

"That's our job, and personal feelings aside your are murderer's and horrible people" iida as calmly as he can

They got what what they deserved (vilain deku tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now