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Michael POV

I must tell Sarah I love her. Like, it's a must. Like, if I don't, the giant eagles from the Hobbit will come, take me and kill me. For days now, weeks even, I've been meaning to tell her, but chickening out. I've been putting it off for too damn long, it will happen today.

I did the math: Diana has taken Sarah out to the movies. It is exactly ten minutes there, and because of the time they left, they will have eight minutes from the time they arrive at the theatre, until the movie starts. The movie is two hours and thirty-seven minutes long, and then ten minutes back. That means, they will be gone for three hours and five minutes, give or take a few minutes. They left three minutes ago, giving me three hours and two minutes to get my shit around.

Within that time period, I need to deck this place out. I'm planning on a shit load of flowers strategically placed, all in vases. Candles, and signs guiding her towards her bedroom, where I will be, ready to confess my love. (Literally.)

I have an army of helpers. That army includes not only the best apartment decorators to confess love in a man can find, but also the best workers a man can find. (Not counting the lunch break. I'm planning pizza rolls.) This army is a mastermind full of pros. We have the legs to reach high places, the muscle, the entertainment, and two people to keep shit rolling. They call themselves, my best friends. I have Luke, Ashton, Calum, Indie, and even Andrea! Nothing can go wrong!

"Alright, people, we have three hours and two minutes to decorate the shit out of the place! Andrea and I will work on making the signs. There's cardboard, paper, and markers in Diana's room. Calum, please, work on putting the roses in the vases. Indie, light the candles. Luke and Ashton, move all the furniture to the wall and hang a white bed sheet in front. We are going to place cardboard boxes of different sizes in front of it to make it look cool. Before we separate to our separate, we will all help with that. Got it?"

"Yes, sir!" They all yell.

"Good, go!" They all run to their places. Luke and Ash move the furniture, Calum gets the bed sheet, Andrea and Indie get the boxes.

"All the way over to the wall?" Ash asks.


"I have the sheets!" Calum says. I help him hang them in front of the furniture. Andrea and Indie place the boxes in front of the sheet, all around the living room, and Sarah's room, then the six of us decide what box to place where. Then we put sheets over those, too.

"Okay, great job guys! The roses and candles and some of the signs will go on these boxes. Now onto our separate jobs! Don't forget about Sarah's room." Andrea and I walk upstairs to make the signs.

"Tell me, what are you thinking?" Andrea asks.

"Four signs, one right in front of the front door, one in the living room, one going up the staircase, one on her door. That's two standing, two flat."

"Great to know, but I mean like thinking. Seriously, are you freaking out?"

"To the point where I have to stay busy just so I don't think about it."

"You really don't have to do this whole thing. You could just tell her out of the blue."

"But I don't want to tell her out of the blue. I want this to be special. I want there to be something that in twenty years, wether or not we're still together, that she can look back on and smile."

"There's still plenty of things she can smile on."

"I know, but think about it. Her getting kidnapped and raped, cutting, the argument she had with her parents. That will always haunt her, and if I fill her mind with as much happy memories as possible, her past may not look so bad."

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