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Sarah POV

Today is the day I move into University. I'm not all that nervous, Diana is going to right with me in the dorm room. And Michael will be here, too.

Diana and I talked about it. Even though we have our flat, we would like to live in a dorm room so we can have the full experience. If we don't like it, we'll move back in to the flat. For now though, we just have the flat.

"Oh, God, Sarah, help me with the damn box." Diana complains as she tries to carry in a box labeled Pictures. I laugh and go help her out. When we finally put it down, she sighs. "Well, that was the last box. Let's start decorating." We put all our stuff besides our clothes together, so we each just choose a box.

"Okay, Di, what box do you have?" I ask her. She bends down and checks the side.

"Shoes. In the closet?"

"Please." I go to the box we just placed down and open it up. The first picture is a picture of Diana with her father. "Oh, Diana, if I come across a picture of yours, where should I put it?"

"Um, I don't care. Anywhere on my dresser or my shelves. If I don't like it I'll move it."

"Okay." I'm quickly going through the box, quickly glancing at them and deciding who's it is, then placing it accordingly. I'm down to the last picture and I look at it. I realize it's mine, and I go to look away, but then I look at it again.

It's a picture of me when I was about seven in a hospital room, with my brother Matthew at my side at age ten, holding my little hand and giving off a goofy smile. Connor was just born then, so he was in my tired mother's arms. My father stood behind me and Matt, smiling, proud to be the father of, now, three kids.

That memory came back. I was is school and my teacher got a call. She excused herself from teaching us momentarily and then when she came back, she had a big smile on her face.

"Sarah, your mother is in the hospital. She's going to be giving birth to your little brother soon!" She had said excitedly.

"Oh, my gosh, really?!" I had the biggest smile on my face. I was ready to be a bigger sister. Being a little sister was tiring. Hopefully this new baby would give me someone to play with now.

"Yes, your grandparents are on their way to pick you up." She told me. I nodded and got my stuff together and put on my small Barbie backpack. When the time came, I was sent to the office and taken to the hospital.

"Daddy!" I yelled when I saw him. He was in the waiting room. I ran over to him and he picked me up.

"Are you ready to meet your new brother?" I eagerly shook my head. "Okay, well, he's not here yet, but he should soon. Go sit with your brother and grandparents until I come back out, okay?"

"Okay!" I hopped down and sat next to Matt as Daddy went into the room.

"Is this what it was like when I was born?" I asked Matt. He was only three then, but I was hoping he remembered.

"Yeah, but Dad was a lot more nervous."

"Oh." It was silent for a few seconds until I spoke up again. "Are you ready to have a brother?"

"Yeah, I need someone new to pick on. You're catching onto all my tricks." I laughed and a few minutes later, there Daddy was, smiling at the door way.

"Do you want to meet your new baby brother?" I jumped off my seat and so did Matt. In Mommy's arms was a tiny baby. His feet were small, his nose was small, his ears were small. He was cute and I liked him.

"Guys, this is Connor James King." My mom whispered.

"He's so small." Matt said.

"He'll get bigger in time. You guys used to be this small." I looked down at myself and noticed my legs were longer, my arms were stronger, and my hair had grown. It was hard to imagine that I was that small.

"Hey, Mom, can you take our picture?" My dad asked Grandmother. She nodded and was handed a phone. Matt took my hand, and Daddy moved behind us. I smiled when the photo was snapped.

I smile as I remember. We were so happy then, a big family. We didn't worry about stupid rules, or how we wanted to be and why your parents wouldn't accept that. The only things we thought about were each other.

I did want that relationship with my family back. I liked it when I was sixteen and called my brother daily. Or when I turned fourteen and developed my first crush on a boy so I asked Mom for advice. (That crush went no where, because a year later Daniel James moved into town and all other thoughts of other guys disappeared.) I liked having parents and brothers. I liked having a family.

Maybe I should put an effort into making my relationship with them a relationship again. Instead of just being in denial of each other's existence, maybe we should call each other twice a week. Start small, then I'll consider it more.

"Hey, um, Diana, I'm going to make a quick call outside." She was currently hanging clothes.

"Okay." I put the picture right next to the bed on the nightstand and go outside. I dial my fathers number.


"Hi, Dad, um this is Sarah."

"Sarah, honey, have you thought about my proposal?"

"Yes, I have. I haven't come to a decision yet. I realized that I want to try at this relationship thing first, then decide.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not sure I want to fly to a different country to visit people I'm strangers with. I want to make at least a small relationship first."

"So you're saying...?"

"I'm saying I will go to Massachusetts to visit you and Mom, if and only if you show that you actually want me to be your daughter again."

"How should we do that?"

"Call me, send me post cards, support me in things, stop bitching about the color of my hair, act-"

"Speaking of hair, what color is it currently?"

"Soft purple. Like a lavender."

"I bet that suits you. Okay, anyway, yeah I can do that."

"Then I will consider coming. Michael and Diana though, they'll probably come, but I'm not sure."


"Oh, and Dad?"


"When I call, can you not tell me you're too busy?"

"I'll try, honey."

A/N: yay progress, yay Uni.

Michael wasnt in this at all whoops. It mostly (actually totally) focused on Sarah. that okay tho. :)

(hey, guess what?)

(i love you)

UPDATE! So, I forgot my science homework at school and I'm about 300% positive I did poorly on a test I took today.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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