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Sarah POV

"Alright people! Let's get drunk!" Michael yells when everyone arrives. We have 6 cases of 6 packs ready and set for drinking.

"Yeah!" I yell and take a large gulp of my drink.


After multiple bottles of beer, I think it's safe to say we were all drunk. We are slurring our words, stumbling over our feet, doing crazy things and I'm very surprised none of us are dead yet.

Michael half-stumbles, half-walks over to me. I smile and he presses his lips to mine. He heats it up and soon we're making out on the couch.

"How about we take this to the bedroom." He whispers. Even in my driven state, I have at least some of my senses.

"I'm not ready, Michael." I whisper. I've only had sex once, and I was absolutely terrified and not ready at all. I only did it because I was pressured by my friends. I'm not ready now, either.

"Oh, c'mon, baby." He says, reattaching himself to my neck.

"Michael, no." I try to sit up and gently push Michael off me.

"Baby, c'mon, live a little."

"I'm not ready. Especially because we haven't dating for a while. Stop."

"Ugh, Luke, could you tell Sarah to stop being a cockblock?"

"Michael, stop being a dick and respect me and my decisions, please!" I yell, finally getting myself out from under him.

"I am! You're just being a party pooper!"

"No, I'm not! I just want to make sure I'm ready with someone I love before having sex with them!"

"Sarah, stop being so stupid!" He says and I get mad.

"I'm not being stupid! You're being a asshole and a really bad boyfriend!" I say before storming out of room. Obviously, I can't drive anywhere, so I settle for sitting outside the door. I start to cry.

How could Michael be so disrespectful?

I sit there and silently sob. I'm playing with my hands and not bothering to wipe the hair out of the tears falling down my cheeks.

I hear the door open and quickly shut.

"Hey." I hear from above me. I look up and find Indie.

"Hi." She sits down next to me.

"Diana is in there kicking his butt."


"No, but she's glaring at him like crazy, she yelled at him, Luke is trying to calm her down, and Calum is talking to Michael."

"Why would he do that? I just don't want to have sex with him right now! We haven't been dating that long!"

"Yeah, I get it. I think he feels really sorry."

"He should."

"Listen, he really loves you. He feels bad, he realizes what he did, he was drunk. This is not the end."

"Of course it's not. I know that. I wouldn't end it over this. I just, I wish he didn't do that."

"It was disrespectful. He knows that. He'll apologize soon, I can guarantee that. For now, though, let's get you home."

"We can't drive, though."

"Andrea is sober. She only had one drink about three hours ago when we started this. She's fine to drive."

"Yeah, okay, then. Help me up." She laughs and stands up. Then she grabs ahold of my hands and yanks me up.

"Alright, I'll get your phone and the other girls and then we're going to your apartment." Indie says and goes inside. She quickly comes back with a phone in her hand and two girls at her side.

"Oh, Sarah, you should've seen it! I thought Diana was going to kill him with a pillow." Andrea says.


"She almost suffocated him! Luke pulled her away from him, and Calum and Ashton took Michael into another room. I went with Luke."

"And dammit, if he does that again, I'm expecting you to help me, Andrea!" Diana says.

"Alright, let's get home you crazy people." I say. They laugh and Diana throws her arm around my waist and I put mine around Indie. We walk up to my apartment all tied together, away from drunk boyfriends that are being bastards.


"No, Augustus!" I yell at the TV. We put in The Fault In Our Stars (a chick flick) and we were at the seen in the gas station where he drove to get himself some cigarettes. We provided ourselves with each a full tub of ice cream, (Andrea drive to get them all) (don't judge us) a spoon, a blanket, a box of tissues to share and we went to town.

"Gus!" Andrea yells and cries. We stay silent until the scene in the middle of the night where they get the phone call Gus died and Hazel starts sobbing.

You and me both, Hazel.

Then, yet again at his funeral.

So, to sum up the night, we were all just a mess full of tears and ice cream. Without Michael.

It was awesome.

A/N: who else loves this movie.

Michael stop being such a dick. ugh.

I hope you all had a splendid (I feel so proper and British) (idek do British people say splendid) (in America there's a company that makes packs of sugar called splendid) (anyway British people) (anyway THE SENTENCE I CUT MYSELF OFF ON)

I hope you all had a splendid (!) Halloween.

I get so distracted sometimes.

UPDATE! i'm cold

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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