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Sarah POV

I woke up in someone's arms. I immediately freaked. The last time I slept in the same bed with someone, it was Robert. And he sexually abused me. Multiple times. But, when I turned around, I saw it was only Michael. I relaxed a lot more and tried to get of his grasp. While doing so, I woke him up.



"I'm sorry about crawling in like this. I couldn't sleep on the floor. I hoped you wouldn't mind. Do you mind?"

"No, not all." I lie. He scared the shit out of me.

"Ok, good. I'll go down to make breakfast. If you need a hairbrush, there's one on the dresser." He says then runs downstairs. I find the brush and start working at making the rats nest I call my hair until it looks suitable enough. When I finish, I go downstairs. Everybody is already down there.

"Good morning, Sarah. How'd you sleep?" Calum asks me.

"Good." I tell him.

"Good." He repeats.

"Breakfast is ready." Mike announces and serves it. While we were eating, Michael very spontaneously asks me something.

"Tell me exactly what happened when you were kidnapped, Sarah." I almost choke on my milk.

"W-what?" I stutter.

"Please? I wanna know. Full detail, everything. From the moment you were attacked to the moment we found you."

"Uh, ok, I guess." So I start to tell them, starting from the moment I was taken away, like exactly what Mike said.

"It happened 2 weeks ago today. It was like 10 in the morning. I was on a walk because I had a headache and that's always helped me. I was going on a short little walk, just to the store that was a block away for a soda. I could still see the building. I would be quick. But then, on my way back, I was attacked. On hand was put on my mouth with a cloth, the other on held my arms together and behind my back. I was put in the trunk of a car, and everything went black. When I regained conscious, we were still driving. I searched for my phone and then I realized I forgot it. I groaned and laid there. Then it stopped. I was yanked out of the car and dragged into a creepy building." I started to hold back tears. "I-I was beaten a-and raped. I was there for 1 week and 4 days. When I finally decided to escape, I ran and ran without a stop. He followed me and luckily didn't have enough time to grab a gun, but he chased me for miles. Finally, he fell and hurt himself so I took that as a chance to pick up the pace. I got out of the woods I was originally running in and started to walk to catch my breath. I recognized this building, so I sat down next to it and that's when you guys found me." I completely broke down then, and the room was full of the sound of sobs. I felt an arm wrap around me. I cuddled into their chest and wrapped my arms around their waist.

"Shh, it's ok." Michael whispers in my ear.

"I-it was aw-awful. My worst nightmare came true." I say in between sobs. Michael continues to do this until I finally calm down.

"Thank you, Mike."

"Anytime." He smiles at me and I weakly smiled back.

"I'm sorry guys, for breaking down like that." I apologize.

"It's ok. It was awful, we understand that." Luke says.

"The worst part of it is that he's still out there."

"Do the police know?" Ash asks.

"Uh, yeah. I called the police station when I was still in the hospital."


"I just- it's so hard to go outside by myself, knowing that he could swoop in and take me at anytime. It's just so scary, ya know?" I continue.

"Sarah, look at me." Diana says and I turn my attention to her. "You have nothing to worry about. The police are here to protect, and you have me. And now you have four guys that I'm sure would gladly protect you. Right guys?"

"Yeah, of course." Calum says on behalf of all of them.

"You have us to protect you if he ever comes back. You will never get kidnapped again, because you have us." She concludes. I smile at all of them.

"Thank you. All of you, thank you."

"You're welcome, Sarah." Michael says. Then something clicks in his head. "Wait, is that why you were so off about sharing a bed last night? 'Cause he raped you?"


"You know, I definitely wouldn't have climbed in bed with you if I knew that."

"Oh no, it's perfectly okay. It's your bedroom, you should be able to sleep in the bed."

"Wait, you two slept together last night?" Diana asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Don't start on me. You were holding on to Luke and you wouldn't let go." I joke.

"You're a shithead."

"I take great pride in my shitheadness."

"Alright anyway, we must get back to our flat. We need to start getting furniture for Sarah to move in!" Diana says.

"How are we paying for this?"

"My daddy's a millionaire, Sarah. He would be happy to pay for you."

"He doesn't have to."

"But he will. C'mon!" She says and pulls my arm so I'm forced to stand up.

"Bye, guys!" I yell.

"Bye! We'll see you soon!" One of them yell back. Ashton, I think.

We get back to her flat and start looking at things to buy.

Michael POV

As soon as they leave, Luke turns towards me.

"You totally like her." He says.

"Who, Sarah?" They all nod their heads.

"We've known her for like, what, three days?"

"Yeah, so?" Cal asks.

"What makes you think I like her?"

"She left in your clothes!"

"Diana left in yours!"

"Yeah, but I'm not denying anything. She started to cry, and .3 seconds later you were over there and comforting her."

"I'm just a good friend."

"Yeah, okay." Ashton says, sarcasm obviously dripping off of every word.

"I don't!"

"We know! I said okay." Luke and Calum laughed at that.

"Oh, shut up!" They laughed harder and I eventually joined them.

I don't know why they thought I liked her. I don't. She's just a really pretty girl that I'm a friend with.

Why is that so wrong?

A/N: hi

I'm not going to be able to write from Sunday the 13th to Friday the 18th. Sorry, I love you all.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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