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Sarah POV

"As celebration, we should go shopping." Mom says. It's still the first day here, December 16. We just finished breakfast, and now, apparently, we're going shopping.

"Yeah, okay. But I need to change." All seven of us retire to our rooms to change for the day.

"You know, you forgave your parents quickly." Diana says.

"You know Di, I missed them. I really did. So I thought, if they sent me all the way home, with my best friend and boyfriend, they aren't shitting with me, right? They actually want their daughter back. So, here I am, with the sense of forgiveness."

"Good. I'm really proud of you." She smiles.

"Thank you." Since it's December in Massachusetts and it's fucking cold, I put in some leggings and boots, with a red shirt flannel. Under the flannel, I have a Sex Pistols shirt of Michael's. I put on my winter jacket with a scarf for warmth, and head downstairs with Diana. I catch Michael in the hallway and luckily he's dressed warm, too. When back downstairs, my mom and dad are already down there. Quickly, Matt and Connor join us.

Since there's seven of us, we split up. Mom, Dad, and Connor go to the mall in their car, while me, Mike, and Diana are riding with Matthew. I'm in the front next to Matt, with Di and Mikey behind me.

There's light conversation about college, and what Melbourne is like, my friends. Then I switch the conversation to Matthew with his life and shit. We get there after ten short minutes. I get out, and so does everyone else. I take Michael's hand and meet my family inside.

"Christmas is in nine days. I still need a few presents for you Sarah and Diana, and I don't have a single one for Michael." Mom says, bringing her hand to her temple, expressing her stress.

"Oh, Sherry, you don't need to get me any presents, I'll be fine without them." Michael protests.

"I would feel horrible if you didn't have anything to open on Christmas morning."

"Man, just let it go. You'll lose." Matthew says.

"Yeah, seriously, Michael. Either if you say you don't want presents, she'll buy you some either way." I tell him. Connor, Dad, and Diana all agree, and Michael sets the topic down and pushed it away.

"Alright, thank you." He says.

"So, how about you five kids go and shop, and I'll find a few presents, okay?" She hands me a credit card, "Money's no problem, have fun." She says and walks away with Dad.

"Alright, where do you guys want to start?" Diana asks. We all stand there, looking at one another, not saying anything, until I speak up.

"How about you, Con? You have a store you wanna go to?" I ask him.

"Um, the video game store. I want the new Fifa game." Connor says and we head off to that store.

"You like Fifa?" Michael asks.

"Yeah, I love it."

"Me too! Me and my buddies play it all the time." Michael and Connor break off into talk about video games, while I turn my head to Diana and Matthew.

"So, Matthew, how are you doing? Have a girlfriend yet?" Diana asks.

"Uh, no, no girlfriend."

"Ha, you've always been a loser, Matthew." I joke.

"Oh, shut up." We head into the video game store and follow around Connor as he searches for the game he wants.

"Hey, Michael, can you help me look for it?" Connor asks and the two of them go looking.

"Found it!" Michael announces, holding up the game Connor was searching for.

"Are you sure it's for the right console?" Connor questions.

"Yes, I'm sure, look." Michael hands him the game and he approves. Together, they go to the check out. I hand them the card, and once they're done, we head off to the next store. American Eagle, for Diana, who claims she needs more jeans.

While in the store, I talk to Michael. "Connor seems to really like you." I say.

"Yeah, he's a pretty cool kid." He tells me.

"I'm happy you like him."

"I like them all. I thought meeting your family would be nerve wrecking, but they're all so laid back."

"Yeah, they used to be more strict. They must've changed since, when I left. I think they all like you, too."


"Sarah, can you help me with these jeans?" Diana asks. I leave Michael's side to go to Diana. She's in the changing rooms. "Do these look okay?"

"Yeah, they look great."

"Alright, I'll get them." We leave the changing rooms, and go to pay, then we leave the store.

We go to a few more stores. Everyone gets something for themselves, but while I'm looking for some shoes, Michael sneaks away with Matthew to buy me a present for Christmas. By the time they get back, I'm still looking and I haven't noticed a thing. He tells me later, when all of us are going home, in Matt's car again. They both say I'm going to love it.

God, I love him.

A/N: heyyy.

It's jan 2, a new year. I hope you all had an amazing NYE. I hope you have an amazing 2015

UPDATE! I'm watching wife swap. (judge me bitch)

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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