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Sarah POV

"Hey, Sarah. You are free to go now." Doctor tells me. The guys and Diana walk in.

"Hi, we brought you some clothes to change into. We'll be here to take you to Luke's flat to hang out when you're ready." Diana tells me and Ashton hands me the bag. I change into them and then walk back out where my friends are waiting for me. Luke notices my shirt and smiles.

"All Time Low? Do you like them?"

"I love them! They're so good."

"I agree."

"So, have you called your family yet to tell them you're ok?" Michael asks me.

"Nope." I answer.

"You should probably do that soon."

"I would, but they don't really like me."

"What? They're your family, they have to."

"Tell that to them." I say.

"I will. I will fly to America to tell them that they must love you, they are your family. You're their daughter, sister, they have to!" Michael says with great confidence.

"The argument that lead to them not liking me started with my nose piercing, belly button piercing, and dyed hair. So they might not be too fond of you either."

"So, are they against hair dye and piercings?"

"Yeah, the rule in our house is that you can only get your ears pierced."


"'Because it ruins your appearance and makes people not want to talk to you.'" I say, quoting my mother.

"Hm." Michael hums.

"It's stupid, I know. That's why the day I turned 18, I dyed my hair, got my nose and belly button pierced, and then went back to my parents' house and told them I was moving out. They started this big ass argument that literally made my 10 year old brother almost cry, and the next day I moved out."

"You know, most people don't share their life story with the person they just met the day before." Michael jokes.

"Yeah. You know, I know a lot less about you than you know about me."

"You're right. What do you wanna know?"

"Birthday, age, middle name, family, three random facts about you, things like that."

"But I only know your age and family." Michael points out.

"Then I'll tell you."

"Ok, my birthday is 20 November, 1995. I'm 18 and have no siblings. My favorite word is cheeseburger, my favorite band is All Time Low, and my favorite color is blue. I'm not telling you my middle name."

"I love All Time Low, I approve. And why not? I wanna know your middle name!" Mike chuckles. By now we were well onto our way going to Luke's apartment.

"I don't like my middle name."

"Neither do I. But, I'll still tell you."

"What is it?"

"Nope, not unless you tell me yours." I refuse.

"Fine. Gordon."

"Gordon?" I ask. He grumbles a yes.

"That's not bad! I like it! Mine is Marie."

"See, Marie isn't bad! It's a good middle name for you."

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