Chapter 2

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Ok well after my mother was remarried and my brother and I were adopted we kinda had an okay time. Mom would play board games with us, read us books, and just be a cool mom. Our "dad" was also military just like our biological father.

See I do have a few awesome memories of him leaving the house to get to work. My brother and I would tease the shit out of him and say 'bye bye dada' like infants. He used to laugh it off and say 'you can call me whatever you want just don't call me late for dinner'. Well I'm sure you can imagine we did just that seconds later. We all laughed about it then it was cute. We were just being silly.

This lasted for a six months (I'm guessing my time frame my be off by a bit not much but a bit). Then one day things changed I don't remember what happened to set this change off but well shit hit the fan fast. Just one day he started being extremely violent with his discipline of us.

He became extremely angry out of nowhere sometimes over small things. He would lock my brother and I in our closets fir hours I think. I remember this from a three to four year old mind so I'm not exactly sure.

There were times when mom got between him and us to protect us. Mainly because he was that off the rails. When that happened he would take his rage out on mom. She was saving us by taking the beatings. Against my mother he would use some of our old toys we had then and slam them on her.

These were nowhere near as frag as the ones today. These were thick plastic toys that weighed a good 20-30lbs. Dollhouses wooden rocking horse those things. All of them from the 70's and 80's era. I mean we had a few and I mean very few early 90's toys. I mean this did all happen around 1991-92ish.

Now those memories all blur together in like this big 'I cant tell what day this happened or what caused it' movie. All I see are the same actions repeating just my parents wearing different clothes. So I wont dwell on those further.

Now here's what I can tell you in detail. I was about four and a half years old. I got into trouble for something. That I can admit I did something wrong just don't know what. It was around bathtime so I'm guessing it was fighting about taking a bath with my brother.

My mom asked my adopted father to step in and help. Well he was in their bedroom at the time. So mom sent me to him to be dealt with. So I shuffled into the room he was leaning on th e headboard of their bed half under the blanket. He was watching some black and white show on the TV next to the bed. I don't know what it was but I mean it was the only light in the room.

Now don't get ahead of me though I'm sure most of you know were this goes. Y'all are only half right so shut up. So there I am standing next to the bed in like the corner made from the bedside table and the bed itself. I'm standing there a few seconds when he finally acknowledges me.

He said I was there because I had been a bad girl. Well I'll admitted to being a bad girl. REMEMBER I WAS ONLY 4 SICKOS! Well after I had admitted to my wrongdoing did he say I needed to be punished. Well ya as a child you need discipline when you misbehave.

So the man did the last thing I was expecting at 4. He took the blanket off his lower half. If you guessed he was nude well I wish I had a million dollars to give ya cause you're right. Sad part is I don't I'm broke, so deal with it. From that point I was shocked. I mean I had seen a naked boy before, but that was my brother.

His ding dong didn't look anything like my adopted dads. From here you can all be sick with me. The man told me my 'punishment' was to hold his pee-pee in my mouth till he told me I could go. Well I was 4 so I did what I was told. I wanted to be a 'good girl' again and get my toys back.

So I just stood there crying while holding his boy parts in my mouth. I don't know how long this lasted. All I truly can remember for sure is before I was told I could leave mom had called for me 3 times. Big no-no in moms book, she didn't like calling you more then once.

That's just one of two very clear memories I have from then. The second memory ends with me living at grandma's house. This is the memory I had nightmares for over years about. This was a very late family dinner.

My brother and I were eating at 'our table' and mom was on the couch dad was in his chair. It was a recliner but I mean I didn't know that was the name till years later. Well as we were eating my brother and I were falling asleep.

It was like 11pm sue us ok. That was a detail learned later in my life but point is at 3 and 4 kids are going to pass out automatically when it gets late enough. Well we were head bobbing around passed out type deal. Ya know were if you pass out in a chair and you head moves one way and you just jump awake? Ya that's us at this time.

Well dad wasn't too happy he caught me sleeping. He called me over to stand in front of him. Mom was right there trying to calm him down and help get me off the hook. He just told her to shut up and stay out of it.

He then proceeded to bend me over his knee for a spanking. Well sounds about normal for the situation. As I was over his knee I was already in hysterics. I was petrified of this man for good reason. By this time he was dubbed 'the boogeyman' by me and my brother.

When that first smack hit I screamed. Not just because I was terrified but he didn't hold back. I was glad my pants and pull up was on because that would have been worse on bare skin. After the 4th or maybe 5th hit to my backside mom intervened again.

This time she didn't bow down to him. She saved me from his grasp and grabbed my brother pushing us towards our rooms. We ran to the hall turned and stood there as he beat her. He threw punches he kicked her in the ribs a few times and of course slapped her repeatedly.

I'm somewhat ashamed to say I just stood there calling here name. Mom was able to kick him off her. I didn't see where she hit but she got away. She grabbed us and barricaded us in my room.

Once in my room mom tried opening my window normally. It jammed and he was trying to break my door down. So mom broke the window, once she had the room she pushed me and my brother out of the window.

We lived in a one story house and my window was to the porch. We didn't get hurt, mom told us to run across the street to my godmothers. So I grabbed my brother and we ran off. As we got to the curb I looked back to see if mom was behind us. I wish I hadn't. I saw her get pulled back in the house. After that it's all blank till I was 6.

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