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It seemed all too quiet. Nothing was heard in the room, freaking out the red-haired male as he could see nothing at all.

He didn't want to believe it. This was probably all just dream and he would wake up soon.

Though he knew better. This was reality and that frightened him to the core. Langa wasn't like this, Langa would never do anything like this.


The Langa he knew kept to himself, was quiet, sweet, and always tried his hardest.

So why was he now sitting in a cold, dark, quiet room tied up?

Reki wanted to cry but it seemed he had cried too much to even let out a tear. He just stared at the wall petrified with fear as he awaited for something to come.

That's when a creak of a door was heard and Reki slowly directed his attention to the entrance to see Langa staring at him with a loving smile and a tray of food.

Reki's heart dropped as he tried to move far away from the friend he thought he had put his trust in. Langa hated that fearful expression on Reki's face.

"No,no,no" Reki repeated as Langa's loving smile was now replaced with a frown as he looked at his scared lover.

He started laughing, "Now, now. Don't be so scared Reki." He giggled as he neared his terrified lover. He reached out to gently touch his cheek. Reki shivered by the touch as he gulped staring into Langa's loving gaze.

Reki shook his head wanting Langa's hands OFF of him. "Hah! Are you kidding? I'm giving you all my love and kindness and you react like this? I love you so so so so so much and your just gonna ignore my feelings?!" Langa yelled as he clenched his teeth.

"N-no! That's not true. It isn't true." Reki denied as he hid himself in a ball. The ropes were piercing through his skin, but he didn't care, he just wanted to go home.

Langa's eyes softened, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell. But you don't understand, you need to understand how much I love you."

"I just w-wanna go home. Let me go home.. Y-You didn't have to do this, if you just s-stayed the way you were it w-would've been okay.." Reki mumbled.

"Uh-uh! You won't be going anywhere Reki, and don't you think it's too late for that?" Langa laughed as if it was a joke to him.

"Oh no! Oh, no,no,no! What if your family tried to find you?! What if I go to jail?!" Langa suddenly shouts as he gets up and paces around the room. Reki hopes lifted up.

His family would help him, his friends too! Langa would have to go to a mental institution or jail but at least he wouldn't have to die. Everything would eventually be back to normal!

Was what Reki thought. A sad thought, really.

"Oh, I got it! Why don't I just kill them? Then we can get out of the country, they wouldn't know it's me, right?! I would never do something like that... aren't I smart? Then it can just be you and me!" Langa beamed as he stared at Reki with stars in his eyes.

Reki eyes widened as he reached to tackle Langa but he forgot about the ropes holding him as he was shot back down onto the ragged bed, the rope digging more and more into his skin.

Langa gasped with worry, unfazed that his lover was trying to hurt him in a way. "Oh no, don't do that. You'll hurt yourself!" Langa whispered with concern as he gently grabbed Reki's wrist. The orange-orbs of Reki's only glared back at him, "you better not hurt my family, Langa."

"Hmm... I don't know if I can promise that." As Langa was about to "kiss the pain away," a chime was heard.

Ring, ring, ring

"Oh, that must be your phone Reki. You have such a cute ring tone. I wonder who it is!" Langa smiled as he patted Reki's head. He slowly approached the ringing phone, looking at the contact name, he was visibly disturbed.

"Hahahah! Reki.. who the hell is Mika?!"

(Just made up a name because we love to see Langa being a psychopath and seeing him possibly torture someone?! Or not?!!)

Reki gulped, Langa wouldn't want to know the truth so Reki decided to lie. "Just a friend.." Reki replied.

"Don't lie to me." He clenched the phone in his hand as it still rung. Reki had no words, he didn't know how to reply. In the end his only worry was how Langa would react.

"I-I'm not!" Reki stuttered as he stared at the wall in front of him, too afraid to look him in the eyes because he knew that if he did gaze upon those icy orbs, Langa would see right through him.

"Y'know what, it's not like you need to answer anyways. I'm gonna kill whoever this "Mika" girl is whether you like it or not." Langa grumbled, and before Reki could say anything Langa slammed the door, looking as if in a rush.

Reki could only assume the worse.

This is a pretty short chapter. I was unsure of how to continue this but the most likely situation was this. I promise it'll get better! Initially it was supposed to be just one chapter, but I felt like I should at least add some gore if you guys want. Sorry if this chapter was lame, I literally wrote like 3 different scenarios and decided to pick this. Hoped you enjoyed!

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