Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"I have to say, Sammy, you're looking good. Need a haircut though."

Sam rolled his eyes at his little sister. "No, I don't."

She shifted to look like him, except with shorter hair. "Yes, you do." It was eerie to hear how his voice sounded from a different perspective.

Dean walked into the room from outside with the Impala and rolled his eyes, tossing down a bag of weapons. "I've been telling him for years it's time."

Trinity grinned. "Told you so." Then she shifted back into her normal self, with Sam's brown hair, Dean's green eyes, and Jo's body, except she had different legs: her own. That was the only part about herself that she actually liked.

"Fine," he sighed, and Trinity jumped up.

"I'll get the scissors."

"Whoa!" He leaped to his feet. "There's no way I'm letting you cut my hair!"

"Come on, Sammy. It won't take long, and I promise it'll look just fine. I cut Dean's hair, remember?"

"Yeah, and I don't want to look more like him than I have to."

She chuckled. "Sit. I'll be back in a minute."

Dean shook his head, remembering how the brothers met the girl they eventually called Sister.


It was a normal shifter gig, except this time, John let Dean and Sam go it alone, since he had something else to do and Dean was old enough to take care of it.

After killing the father, they searched the run-down old house for a girl. He'd begged them to spare his daughter.

They'd looked through the whole house, except the bathroom, and Dean let Sam go in first. If it was a little girl, there was no way she'd be able to take him, even if he was just twelve.

Sam walked in and a girl's voice cried out, "Please! Please, I swear I never hurt anyone! I won't ever hurt an ant, just please don't kill me!"

She couldn't have been any older than Sam, Dean guessed by her voice. "Dean?" Sam asked, not taking his eyes off of her.

"We kill monsters, Sammy. Shoot her and let's get down to Dad."

She burst into tears. "Why should I die? I've never hurt anyone, and I was born into this. I swear, if I could be human, I would. Please! Please, don't kill me!"

Doubt flashed in Sam's eyes and he looked at his brother, who was staring at a blonde haired, blue eyed girl, who was only ten. "Dean, we only kill monsters," he said softly. "She hasn't hurt anyone, and if someone brings her up right, she won't ever wanna."

Dean set his jaw. He knew his brother was right, but if they just left her, who's to say she wouldn't end up seeking revenge on her father? They couldn't just leave.

"I hated what my dad did," she sobbed. "I hid every time he came home with someone, because it disgusted me. I hated it."

"Shut up," Dean ordered, and she snapped her mouth shut. After an excruciatingly long time, he put down his gun. "Grab a bag. Shove in it whatever you can't leave without. Sammy, call Dad and tell him she bit me, so we're going to Bobby's for the antidote."

Sam nodded and stepped out. Dean looked at her. "What's your name?"


"From now on, your last name's Winchester, got it?"

"Yes, Sir." She scrambled to her feet.

"How long does it take you to pack a bag?"

"I've never packed before, but I'll be as quick as I can." She passed slowly by him, as they were both wary of the other, before rushing down to her room and pulling out a go-bag her dad had her pack annually.

Pushing the duffel to its limits, she shoved in a few personal items and her favorite shirts and pants. In five minutes, she was ready to go.

Now that she'd calmed down from the adrenaline of the hunters bursting in, she was sad. Her dad had just died. Thankfully, Dean didn't let her go into the living room and steered her out a side door.

As Trinity climbed into his car with Sam, who smiled acceptingly, she sighed in both relief and fear. "Thank you, Dean. Thank you, Sam."

*End Flashback*

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