Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Trinity woke up the next morning sick to her stomach, and it took a minute to comprehend why.

Right, she sighed. She was home.

Sitting up, she noticed that Dean was already up and talking to Sam. They were dressed as federal agents, in suits and ties. She let a low whistle out of her mouth and grinned up at them. "Wow, boys. Where are you going?"

"Hospital," Sam answered. "We're going to see if we can get the records on a Mary that we found."

She sat bolt upright. "You found her?"

Dean made a noncommittal sound. "Sorta. That's all we found, was that a woman gave birth on May 9, that no one was there to fill out a birth certificate, and the man was calling her Mary."

"Oh. So, I assume you want me to stay here?"

They nodded. "We need you to be here just in case they ask to call a supervisor."

"Sure. You guys happen to get me anything to eat?" She stood and shivered against the cold air, lifting a spaghetti strap on her shirt that had fallen overnight.

"Yep. It's in the fridge," said Sam. "See you in an hour or so."

"Bye, guys." As they left, she walked to the fridge and pulled out a carton of chocolate milk. Really? She huffed and grabbed a granola bar from her bag.

Sam and Dean pulled into the hospital parking lot and walked inside. "Hello. Federal agents Jones and Manning. We need to see all your records from May 9, 1985."

A few minutes later, they were sitting in an empty lab looking through ten file boxes, full of papers. "I've got nothing," Sam said. "Maybe her dad lied to her about what hospital she was born in."

"I don't know, Sam. He doesn't seem like the type to cover his tracks very well." Dean set one box aside and pulled the next one over.

For about ten minutes there was silence between them, except the occasional grunt or sigh. Then Dean froze. "Sammy..."

"What? Did you find something?" Sam leaned over and saw what his brother was looking at, then his face paled. "Oh my god."

They left without closing the files or handing them back, just taking the one folder. There wasn't a name, just a photo, with the child's general health statement.

The photo was of Mary Winchester.


Trinity looked up and turned off the tv when they came running back into the motel room. "That didn't take long; you were only gone about two hours."

Dean dropped the file beside her and she stared between them before picking it up. "That...that's Mary, your mom," she said.

"We know," Sam answered, pulling a chair over and sitting on it backward.

"But didn't she die in like '83?"

Dean nodded. "November 2, 1983."

She stared at the photo, unbelieving. Undoutedly it was her father and Mary. "But I was born in '85."

"And there's no way she survived that fire," Sam added.

She closed the file. "We're going back to see Linda. Right now."

"Trin, she was less than helpful last time."

Trinity looked her oldest brother dead in the eye. "But now I know who my mother is, and I know that I'm the trinity, which means that now we have leverage to make her tell us."

"What kind of leverage?" Sam asked.

She smiled wickedly, and if he didn't know her, Sam would think she was about to lash out and kill someone. Or maybe she was. Maybe she was just that pissed at her aunt that she would kill her. Well, he smirked, only one way to find out.

Five hours and one lunch stop later, the Winchester trio was pulling up in the Impala to a quaint looking house in the middle of a subdivision. Trinity swallowed the unsettled feeling in her stomach and marched up to the front door. Without knocking, she walked inside.

"Trinity!" Linda shouted angrily. "I told you never to come back, especially not with those hunters!"

Trinity smiled. "Oops. Now, refresh my memory if you don't mind, Linda." She fell down on the couch sideways as if she owned it. "How did my parents meet?"

"Some bar, like I told you yesterday."

"You're lying, because my mom died two years before I was born. So, I'll ask one more time, Auntie Dearest." There was a murderous glint in her eye. "How did Uriah meet Mary?"

Dean silently noted that it was the first time she'd used their names, not saying "my parents" or "mom and dad". Was she trying to distance herself from Linda?

Linda sat down, her lips pursed. "All I know is that if these hunters didn't kill Uriah that day, a hellhound would've."

And no matter how much they pressed, she wouldn't say a thing more.

"Great. So, we can leave now," Trinity said, and stood up.

Linda stood with her. "Finally. Get out, and don't darken my doorstep again."

They were walking to the door when Trinity stopped and looked at a cat and a dog, which were blocking their way. "Very clever, you two. Unfortunately, I can see you."

The animals started to transform, and the boys grabbed their silver knives. Trinity looked at the twins with an expression of pure hatred. "Move, or I'll move you."

As they usually did to freak people out, the twins spoke together. "You're never leaving this house, cousin."

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