Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Sam's mouth went dry. "Trin?"

"It was..." her mouth was thick with tears. "It was Rick."

"He beat you?" Dean asked.

"No. This isn't from hands. It''s from knives. Cigs." She traced a long scar that ran from her elbow to her wrist, leaving goosebumps. "This is from a hammer."

Dean stood hastily, grabbed a silver knife, and flung the door to the room open so hard he dented the wall.

"Dean!" she called. He stopped.

"I'm going to grab that SoB and I'm going to stab him in the heart," he hissed.

"Dean, just wait," said Sam. "Look, you and Trin go talk to Linda, and I'll see if Rick will give us anything. If not, I'll kill him."

"No, I'm going to kill him. I'm going to use this knife, and I'm going to carve his heart out."

"Dean," she took a breath. She knew what she had to say to make him stay. She was already vulnerable, so it didn't matter. "Dean, I need you to come with me. I can't face Linda alone. You asked me if I was going to go back to live with them-never. I could never face them again, not if I was alone. Please, Dean."

"Sam can go with you."

"I need you, Dean. You're my big brother; I need you." She and Sam were so alike she considered them nearly twins, although she was a couple years younger.

He nodded slowly. He couldn't deny a direct request from his siblings, especially not his little sister. "Okay. Sammy, the first opportunity you see..."

"I will."

He nodded again. "Good. Trinity, get your shirt back on. I'm gonna wait outside."

The white lines crossing over her torso vanished and she yanked the shirt over her head. "Sammy, please don't kill Rick."

"What? Why not? Did you just see-"

"Of course I did," she snapped. "Sam, Rick just had a few bad days; it's nothing. I'm serious. Rick loved me."

"Love? Trinity, that isn't-"

"Bipolar. He's bipolar, Sam. Look, he took care of me when Dad was gone. He went hunting for people to kill out of town sometimes, to make it harder for hunters to catch him. Like-like Bobby! Making the switch wasn't so hard, they were really similar."

"Bobby never hurt us!" He was outraged that she said that; she could see it on his face.

"Sam, please. Please, just trust me. Please, don't hurt him."

He looked at her pleading eyes and sighed. "I'm still taking the knife."

"Thank you." She hugged him and grabbed her phone before walking outside, where Dean was leaning stiffly against the side of the car.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"Depends; are you?"


She looked back at the door, where Sam was having another migraine. This one was different. Trinity had prevented his previous vision, but the universe wanted them dead.

Now two kids, shape-shifters, were getting the drop on them.

It took Sam close to ten minutes to relax enough to call them. "Hey, Sam," Dean answered.

"Pull over! Now!"

Dean yanked the car onto the narrow shoulder. "Sam?"

"Is Trin there?"

"Yeah. Hang on." He pulled the phone away from his ear and clicked the speaker button.

"Hey, Sam," said Trinity.

"Don't go. There are two kids who are going to kill you if you go see Linda."

Dean rolled his eyes in exasperation. "I guess you saw this happen?"


The two exchanged glances before Trinity said, "Sam, what'd I look like?"


"No, like blonde, brunette...?"

He sighed, thinking. "Uh, you looked like Mom."

"Great. Well, I'm back to how you guys saw me for the past few years, so that fixes that."

"Good. Uh, Trin, can I talk to you?"

"What for?" Dean asked.

"Oh-good grief." Trinity plucked the phone from his hand and put it back on private. "Yeah?"

"Can Dean hear us?"

"Well me, yeah." Dean looked over suspiciously, but she waved him off.

"I'm headed to the office you said Rick worked at, but I can't say I'm not fighting every bone in my body not to kill him."

"Come on, Sammy."

"After what he did to you-you were just a kid, Trin, I can't."

She sighed. "Fine. I didn't care that much anyway." Then she hung up.

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