Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Trinity sauntered into the club, finding it at it's busiest time. She grinned; perfect timing.

"Hey, pretty lady," slurred an older man, probably in his late fifties.

"Find an age appropriate woman or I'll report you to the police," she said innocently.

"Oh, come on. You look like you wanna have some fun. I'm fun."

"You're pathetic." She walked away and leaned between two guys at the bar to order a drink. Before she got a chance, they started in.

"Hello," they smiled at her.

"Hey, boys." She smiled back. "One of you kind gentlemen wanna order me a drink?"

Both of them jumped at it and she grinned at her charm. She could even get Dean to do what she wanted when she felt like it.

"Relax, boys. Enough of me to go around. I'm Trinity. And you are?"



"Fantastic. Now we're acquainted, so you can answer a few questions for me. After each complete and honest answer, you'll get a reward." She winked and made sure to exaggerate the swaying of her hips as she walked away to find a table. Both Ethan and Jacob followed quickly.


"Any local legends I could hear about?" Trinity asked.

"Legends? Why do you care about those?" Ethan asked.

"Aren't you the curious one. Well, honey, I'm a bit of an adrenaline junky. I've seen it all. Creepy houses, abandoned mental asylums, you name it. If it's got a creepy story, I've seen it." She kept her voice slow and alluring as she spoke, and saw that she had them around her pinkie finger.

"There's an old legend that a girl killed herself," answered Jacob quickly, "and she haunts people. How's that answer?"

She turned to face Jacob, putting her back to Ethan. "It sounds inviting. Continue, and we'll see if you deserve a prize."

He nodded eagerly. "About two hundred years ago, this girl lived with an abusive family. She was said to be passed around to all the guys who needed to vent their anger. Supposedly she died during one of the beatings, and every year on the week of her death she comes back to punish anyone who ever touched another person in anger."

"That's quite the story," she smirked. And exactly what she was looking for too. That was fast. She pecked him on the cheek and left in a rush. Hormonal guys were not her idea of a good night out.

On her walk back to the motel, she thought more about the legend. Anyone who'd hurt anyone else. Well, she and her brothers were screwed. They needed to find that girl's bones and burn them before she got to them.


Sam was sitting in the library reading. Sighing, he put down the old paper and rubbed his eyes. He was already tired, and two hours of fruitless searching was killing his eyes and his limited energy.

The place was nearly empty, since it was almost closing time. He had only a few more minutes before he had to pack up and leave.

Suddenly his phone started ringing, and he picked up eagerly. "Hey, Trinity. What'd you get?"

"See if you can find anything on a girl who lived about two hundred years ago. She would've been beaten to death and no older than twenty."

"That narrows it down some, but can you give me anything more?"

"Not right now. Look, the legend says that she goes after people who've hurt other people. Now that we're here, I think one of us is next. And hey, while you're checking that out, can you see how many other weird deaths there have been?"

He chuckled. "I've only got about ten minutes left here, Trin. Which one do you want me to look for?"

"The girl. I'll call Dean, see if he can get the records."

"Great. See you soon."

Trinity hung up and dialed her other brother's phone as the motel came into view and she saw that the Impala was gone. He didn't pick up. "Hey, Dean. It's me. I've got something we need to look into, so get back to the motel. And be quick about it; the spirit could be after us. And yeah, I've salted the doors and windows."

She hung up again, locking the door behind herself and grabbing salt. Hopefully he hadn't gotten into any trouble, because if he had and he hadn't called, she was going to kill him.

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