chapter 7

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Fang's POV: I was making some breakfast after the fun time last night. Marshall really liked it when I dommed him, and I might let him dom me next

Marshall: I quietly walked up behind Fang as I wrap my big muscular arms around him Even though I knew him knew I was right behind him hi

Fang: hey pup

Marshall: what is for breakfast

Fang: pancakes, bacon, and eggs

Marshall: that sounds good but I really can't wait to see my adopted son Fang

Fang: I can't wait to meet him

Marshall: you will really like him I said sitting down smiling like a goofball

Fang: * boops your nose* your up to something cutie. I know that face this early

Marshall: I'm up up to anything

Fang: * grips your butt and smirks* you hungry pup?

Marshall: well honestly I was thinking about something that the hotel is putting up just a little concert anyone can join

Fang: and you want to enter?

Marshall: only if you want to

Fang: okay pup, let's do it?

Marshall: Really you want to do it I say starting to wag my tail

Fang: yes pup, I do

Marshall: just because I am a little bit younger don't mean I'm a pup

Fang: but your MY pup, Silly *kisses Marshall deeply

Marshall: I couldn't help but to blush as I put my shirt on and some shorts getting ready to go downstairs to the little music get together

Fang: okay pup

Marshall:* wants me and Fain got downstairs we was getting swarmed with people who was fans of freestyle Unity

Girls: oh my goodness oh my goodness it is Fang and the new member

Fang: * pulls Marshall close to me and chuckles* sorry girls, no time for an autograph today. Maybe another time


Marshall: I wrap my arm around fangs as we started walking together to the karaoke bar

Fang: you ready?

Marshall: I walked up on the stage as everyone started pooping in Halloween humans and animals I like

Boy: oh my goodness is to the members from freestyle Unity!

Fang: * joins Marshall on stage and chuckles*

Marshall: I just give a smile as I begin to sing

Fang: * plays the music while Marshall sang

Marshall: once I got finished with the song I Turn To Fang you're a good rapper

Fang: thanks cutie

Darla: encore encore everybody wants to hear another song

Everybody: everybody started to cheer out hoping that they would sing another song

Marshall: I got this one with this time all you have to do is just play the music

Fang: gotcha cutie, then maybe dinner after?

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