satisfy part 1

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Chase's POV: I went out shopping the first thing of daylight as yesterday was crazy. I looked at the shopping list in my hand as I took a deep breath

Fang: I was wearing my leather jacket with no shirt on as I was looking through apples and peaches

Chase: Hey Fang *walks up to  him in shorts, a simple t-shirt, and sneakers

Fang:huh I said turning around

Chase: you ok

Fang: oh you're Chase right

Chase: Yep. That's me. * smiles and picks up some apples and oranges*

Fang: I don't like you especially after everything you put Marshall through if it was up to me I will rip out your throat right here and now but I know my sweet lovable book Dalmatian would not want that

Chase: honestly, I kinda expected to get killed when I realize on the day Ryder said Marshall quit was when I knew I fucked up everything. Nearly did too by the way. But my now current boyfriend keeps me from doing that, and frankly, he gets kinda harsh on punishing me. Speaking of which.... *pulls out my phone to text the tiger a morning text

Fang: remember it like this Marshall may have showed you great times in forgiving you but me Duke Blaze Max and blizzard and Chaz if we had our way we will kill you for all the pain and suffering you put Marshall through but like how I said Marshall wouldn't want that

Chase: yes sir *sighs, knowing there was no way to get on there good side for a long while

Fang: and if you ever hurt him again the others won't even have a chance to kick your ass cuz I'm going to make sure you're very deep into the ground I will kill you I said as my eyes turn colder than ice

Chase: *gulps in fear

Fang: do I make myself clear bitch I said getting in Chase's face showing him that I was not playing his life was on the line

Chase: y-yes sir *gulps as I was now feeling small when around Fang

Fang:good bitch

Marshall:hey Fang I said running up seeing Chase was there too

Chase: h-hey Marshall. I-I'll leave you two then *gulps and starts to go to do my shopping

Marshall:hey Chase

Chase: Y-yeah?

Marshall:what are you doing here so early in the day

Chase: Shopping *goes to pay for the fruit

Marshall:oh I see

Chase: Y-yeah

Marshall:hey Chaz I said waving at my buff sexy German Shepherd as he walks up to us as I wrap my bus Dalmatian arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips making Fang a little bit jealous

Chaz: hey cutie. How are you doing this morning

Marshall: I started rubbing my hand down chaz's buff strong chest stop being at his pants rubbing the massive bulge in his pants

Chaz: yes sexy? *chuckles

Marshall: ooh it feels like my boy is very very pent up that will not do not one bit I'm going to have to make sure all my boys hurt fully satisfied

Chaz: you'll have to deal with me later. Have you seen chase by the way? I need to talk to him. I figured it be best if it was German Shepherd and German Shepherd talking. Despite the bone headed way to go

Marshall:yes I did  I said as I pointed to the aisle where the frozen food was as Chaz walked off Fang walked up behind me grinding his bulge on my ass

Chaz: Fang, behave your ass *goes to find chase

Marshall: this is my big buff wolf want a bj

Fang: yes

Marshall: me and fang went outside to the alleyway as he had me get on my knees as he rubs his bulge on my face

Fang: oh this be fun~~~

P.o.v Marshall had unfastened Fangs pants with his teeth as he pulled them down and started sniffing the massive bulge that was in Fang boxers before pulling his boxers down with his teeth a nice nice big slab of meat started swinging between Fang legs as just with one claw thing made Marshall put his cock in Marshall's mouth

Fang: good boy *grunts abd humps slowly

Marshall: I slowly started bubbling my head on Fang cock as I start massaging his balls with one hand and rubbing his strong legs with the other

Fang:fuck *growls

Marshall:* I keep bobbing my head as I start swirling my tongue around the tip of Fang cock as Fang  puts his hand on my head rubbing my head

Fang: that's a good boy *growls like a dom and thrust hard, but not to hard

Marshall: I start picking up the pace of bobbing my head before slowing down and pulling off of Fang cock before licking his cock repeatedly before going back and sucking on his cock as I start massaging Fang legs

Fang: * growls* fuck

Marshall: I hear my sexy Wolf start running and growling even louder indicating he was on the edge as he grabbed my head with both of his hands forcing me all the way down on his cock choking my ass he released his load

Fang: *cums Harshly down Marshall's throat

Marshall: I swallow every last drop before pulling off and standing up wrapping my arms around Fang neck is my sexy wolf satisfied

Fang: very. But I'm curious

Marshall:what is it

Fang: * grabs Marshall's bulge* when did you get a bj or rode on

Marshall: not for a while but blizzard will be changing that as I'm going to make sure all my boys are satisfied today I said scratching up under  Fang chin

Fang: well chaz seems focus on talking to chase

Marshall:I kissed Fang  before running off as I ran all the way to Duke's little hobby shop where he was working on cars and machinery even though he was a member of our band we all have little hobbies that we do when we're not practicing for any concerts well well if it isn't the big buff Dragon working on is that a Dodge Charger 2018

Duke: yeah yeah.this is hard to fix though

Marshall: I sit down in a chair and start watching Duke as I was rubbing the bulge in my pants as I saw his sweaty shirt sitting right next to me as I quickly grabbed it and start sniffing it

Duke: you really want it huh

Marshall:huh I said looking up to see Duke was standing up as he was covered in oil dirt and dust

Duke: do you need something to sniff mister

Marshall: I stand up wrapping my arms around Duke well today I am making sure my boys are sexually satisfied I said as flames was coming from out of Duke's mouth

Duke: oh~~~

Marshall: Duke grab me by the hand and leaded me to his downstairs basement Workshop as it had from workout equipment to a small little bed in a TV to a lot of mechanic tools Duke said he was going to go and clean up but I quickly told him not to as the third the oil and the Dust made him look even more tough and rugged

Duke: oh really now

Marshall: I push Duke on his bed as he put his hands behind his head

Duke: yes sexy

Marshall: Duke flexes his right arm and breathe fire out of his mouth showing how powerful and strong he was

Duke: you like what you see mister

Marshall: I start kissing Duke such a strong and powerful Dragon I said as duke starts rubbing my ass as I started kissing his neck

Duke: want to help me mister

Marshall:yes sir

Duke: why not you get my bone free from its restraints and ride it

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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