chapter 4

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Marshall p.o.v when I woke up I was in chaz's bed as I've looked around to see him know we're to be found then I get out of his bed walking down the hallway and then going down the stairs only to hear the fellas excited about something

Max: I'll tell you guys the news when Marshall gets downstair

Chaz: You sure about it Max

Max:yes i am

Chaz: Okay

Marshall: good morning guys I said walking into the kitchen

Duke: Good morning Marsh

Marshall: okay who's cooking breakfast



Max: we got a concert today

Chaz: Yep

Marshall:wow I said and complete surprise

Chaz: Max, what did you want to say to Marsh about?

Max: I hit chaz over the head next time listen we got a concert today so we need to have a song Today by 6 p.m

Chaz: whines Sowwy

Duke: Max, please calm dow

Marshall p.o.v I walked over to the counter as I picked up the plate of pancakes bacon sausage and egg as I sit down right next to blizzard as I started to eat a little question popped into my head who is the strongest out of Duke and Max I asked blizzar

Max:me Marsh

Blizzard: you sure about that Max

Max: okay okay were evenly matched

Blizzard: Thought so

Marshall: once I was finished eating I walked outside with my guitar as I started to play something on it

Chaz; *goes outside and finds Marshall

Max: where do you think you're going chaz

Chaz: To find Marsh

Max: please does not need you to babysit him you got to let him be on his own having someone hovering over you asking if you're okay 24/7 can push someone away


Marshall: I just finished playing on My Guitar once I put my guitar down I looked up to see fang going into the woods I followed him but I lost him after 3 minutes well now I see why they say wolves are the masters of the Forest

Fang: Trying to follow me were you? whispers in your ears, behind Marshall

Marshall: I turned my head to see fang H-How is all I said and shocked as I did not know where he disappeared to or how he appeared right behind me without me even hearing him

Fang: Following someone might lead to pushing them away. I've learned that the hard way. * picks Marshall up and put him over my right shoulder* time to take you home Marsh


Fang: Yes

Marshall: look at this I said two Fang as I flex my arm showing him my muscles my muscles was beginning to get as hard as iron

Fang: Oh~~~ sexy~ * smacks Marshall's ass and carries him back to the house, still having him on my right shoulder

Marshall: I couldn't help but to gaggle as my body was looking a little bit different well I am going to be 23 tomorrow but we got to get ready for the concert

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