chapter 14

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POV: It was evening when Chase gotten back. He texted his bf that he was okay and well before walking in his puphouse

Marshall: well well where have you been I said leaning against Chase's room door with my arms crossed

Chase: My cousin giving me a mega earful * crashes to the bed* my uncle isn't as bad, but my aunt is worse.

Marshall: and your boyfriend I said I chase quickly sits up in the bed looking at me surprised

Chase: HOW IN BLAZES!!! *shuts my door with a loud slam

Marshall: well your boyfriend is basically best friends with two of my boyfriends you remember Duke the big giant dragon and Chazz the German Shepherd they're gym Bros

Chase: oh, right.

Marshall: but just to let you know we're leaving in a couple of months we're going on tour

Chase: So any time to spend with you is on a tight limit

Marshall: I punched you in the shoulder I need to talk to you

Chase: about? *holds my shoulder

Marshall: everything that you done to me I cannot forgive you completely but I can start off on a new page it's not like me to stay mad at someone forever so do you want to start again

Chase: Yes please.

Marshall: I pulled chase out the room running as I started singing

Chase: *runs with marshall and smiles at the song

Marshall: before I can say anything to Chase Duke Fang Max blizzard and Chaz start shaking me asking me when did I learned that song

Chaz: LOVE!!! Where did you learn that song?!

Chase: That really made me feel really happy and excited!


Marshall: actually I made it myself I didn't learn it I said looking at blizzard with begging eyes for him to save me

Blizzard: OKAY THATS ENOUGH! Give the poor Dalmatian space

Chase: *quickly backs off marshall

Marshall: and I thought you guys was bad in bed

Max: We can't help it if you sang a song we never heard from you before

Marshall: Chase I would not keep looking at Chaz like that especially your eye level is at his bulge and muscles I said it's Chase was drooling

Chase: I got no idea what you're on about *looks away from Marshall and his boyfriends, trying to hide my face

Marshall:sure you don't

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