chapter 8

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big Fang's POV: I could only smile as Marshall hugged his son. I found it cute and took a picture with the flash off. Didn't want to get caught, and I wasn't going to show the others.

Marshall: well me and Big Fang will be coming to your school

Fang:weally?! *wags my tail in excitement

Marshall p.o.v before I could say anything else I had got a phone call as I walked away answering it well I never thought I would hear from your little sister Starla

Starla: yeah yeah bro, how are you

Marshall: well you haven't talked to me for 7 or 10 years

Starla: sorry, I've been busy

Marshall: with Starlight gamma

Starla: * huffs* and you and the paw patrol?

Marshall: you might not have heard I am no longer in the PAW Patrol I'm with freestyle Unity

Starla: How- I'm not going to ask. But are you okay

Marshall: well I got things I need to get done I said looking at the sexy wolf that was patting his foot as I knew he was getting a bit anxious

Starla: you found a good place to stay?

Marshall: that's for me to know and you to find out

Starla: okay

Marshall: once I got off the phone I walked up to Fang as he wrapped his arms around my neck kissing me on the lips

Fang: you know how I get when you tease me my sexy Dalmatian

Marshall: well then Fang you will have to wait some more because we need to get going with you to school

Fang: fine but when we get back I will be fucking you all day and all night you will not have a break I'm going to use that hole of yours until my balls are completely bone dry

Marshall: okay then let's see what you got alpha wolf I said as I began to walk out of our hotel walking to the van as Fang Hops and and starts it up as it only took us about 25 minutes to get to my son school once we got there Fang look at me

Fang: do you know what we're going to be singing


Marshall p.o.v me and Fang you walked into the school as the teachers I was so shocked to see that we actually did come to perform so the teachers hold us where we could hang out until everyone was in the auditorium

Fang: well Marshall it's very interesting that you never mentioned that you had a son

Marshall: well he's not really my son Alpha Fang he's honestly my nephew but I treat her more like a son his mom does not want to deal with him and his dad is no longer on the planet so I'm basically all he has left

Fang: wow he has had a hard life I said as Marshall just not it before I could say something else the teacher had came in to tell us we can go to the auditorium

Principal: okay guy settle down settle down we got a surprise for you two of the members of freestyle Unity

Students: oh my goodness oh my goodness

Marshall: Well look what we have here Fang it looks like they are ready to rock

Fang: it seems like you are right smokey

Marshall: if everyone is ready let me hear you say yeah

Students:OH YEAH!

Marshall: it doesn't sound like they're awake

Fang: I know they can do better than that

little Fang:OH YEAH let's own this club tonight

Marshall: well at least someone is awake

Fang:let's give everyone something to wake up to

Marshall p.o.v I started to sing a song that I wrote

Moon:oh my goodness this is amazing.

Twilight: who would have thought that we would see freestyle Unity.

P.o.v, while Marshall and Fang was putting on the concert for the school news reporters, started to broadcast the concert live everyone in Adventure Bay was able to see it

Chase: Hey guys

Rocky: what is it Chase" I said walking in change the living room only to see freestyle Unity" no way

Rubble: where are they at right now

Sky: wait isn't there more members than that "I said looking at the TV"

Marshall: after three hours have passed me and Fang had got finished with a concert as we sit down on the stage and started talking

???: oh my gosh that is so amazing." I said talking to one of my friends"


Fang:so Marshall I'm guessing Fang is your adopted son.

Marshall: yes he is but he lives with my parents only until he gets done with school.

Fang:I get it now.

Marshall p.o.v:*before I could say anything else my phone begins to ring*" hello"

Max: you boys were really amazing a new song I am guessing the reason why I am calling you you to know that we got a concert in Adventure Bay we will be leaving in 4 weeks.


Marshall:*I did not look happy as it was still summer issues I have not solved yet*

Max: so I will see you boys when you get back right now I got to get back to the German Shepherd that me and Duke are playing with

Marshall and Fang:okay

Marshall:*I hang up my phone*

???: hey do you ever wondered what happened to the fire pup from the Paw Patrol

???: I don't know I have heard that he was fired

Fang:*I look at Marshall*

Marshall: I am good fang don't worry about me they don't know the whole story.

Fang:me, Max, Duke and Blizzard don't even know the whole story.

Marshall:I know.

Fang: we will never understand if you never tell us we are your family we are your lovers and we would do anything for you and we will always protect you no matter what.

Marshall  P.o.v after a couple of hours has passed by I went to go tell little Fang my son goodbye as I was heading out for a concert we hug for a little bit before me and Fang were out on the road. Look out Adventure Bay i am coming back

To be continued

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